This coming Wednesday, October 13, at 4 pm CET,  one more session of the
Logica Universalis Webinar (LUW).
It will be dedicated to Lewis Carroll’s logic. See details below.
Everybody is welcome to join ! Register in advance here:
Also recently published "Lewis Carroll: Logic" by Fancine Abeles in the
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP)
and a workshop on Lewis Carroll at UNILOG'2022:
Jean-Yves Beziau
Organizer of LUW, Logic Area Editor of IEP,  President of LUA
Amirouche Moktefi
(Ragnar Nurkse Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
"Why Make Things Simple When You Can Make Them Complicated? An Appreciation
of Lewis Carroll’s Symbolic Logic"
Logica Universalis, volume 15, pages359–379 (2021)
Lewis Carroll (1832–1898) published a system of logic in the symbolic
tradition that developed in his time. Carroll’s readers may be puzzled by
his system. On the one hand, it introduced innovations, such as his logic
notation, his diagrams and his method of trees, that secure Carroll’s place
on the path that shaped modern logic. On the other hand, Carroll maintained
the existential import of universal affirmative Propositions, a feature
that is rather characteristic of traditional logic. The object of this
paper is to untangle this dilemma by exploring Carroll’s guidelines in the
design of his logic, and in particular his theory of existential import. It
will be argued that Carroll’s view reflected his belief in the social
utility of symbolic logic.


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