(La version française suit.)

Remembering: Phenomenological and Analytic Approaches
Early-career researcher workshop
6-7 May 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes


May 6
Salle des conférences, bâtiment Médiat, 71bis rue des Universités

09:00-09:20. Welcome
09:20-10:10. Alexander Schnell (Institute for Transcendental Philosophy and
Phenomenology, Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Approche phénoménologique
de la mémoire
10:10-11:00. Andrea Rivadulla Duro (LOGOS, University of Barcelona), Are
the phenomenology of memory and the phenomenology of imagination mutually
11:00-11:20. Coffee break
11:20-12:10. André Sant'Anna (CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), Episodic
memory as a representational state
12:10-13:00. Jan Lockenbauer (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), « L’oubli
qui est mémoire » et « la douleur faite à autrui comme le vrai souvenir »
: sur deux aspects fondamentaux de la mémoire du corps selon Maurice
13:00-14:20. Lunch break
14:20-15:10. Anco Peeters (FOR 2812 "Constructing Scenarios of the Past",
Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Enactive remembering through the lens of
sensorimotor contingencies
15:10-16:00. Inga Römer (Université Grenoble Alpes), Phenomenology of
memory. Husserl - Derrida - Ricœur
16:00-16:20. Coffee break
16:20-17:10. Hamid Nourbakhsh (University of Tehran), The role of
imagination and recollection in the phenomenal contrast arguments
17:10-18:00. David Pena (San Francisco State University), Pachyderm
remembrance: The phenomenology of animal memory
18:00-18:10. Comfort break
18:10-19:00. Denis Perrin (CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), On the
subjectivity of episodic remembering
20:00. Dinner

May 7
Salle des conférences, bâtiment Médiat, 71bis rue des Universités

09:00-09:50. Christoph Hoerl (University of Warwick), Perspective-taking in
09:50-10:40. Jing Shang (Sorbonne), On the paradox of 'immemorial memory'
10:40-11:00. Coffee break
11:00-11:50. Bruna Richter (Philosophy of Memory Lab, Universidade Federal
de Santa Maria/CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), The main characteristics of
subjective time involved in episodic simulation
11:50-12:40. Giacomo Croci (Freie Universität Berlin), Fleshing out memory:
Heidegger and Danto on historicity, plus two case studies
12:40-14:00. Lunch break
14:00-14:50. Christopher McCarroll (CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), Seeing
oneself from-the-outside: Point of view in memory imagery
14:50-15:40. Patrick Eldridge (University of New Brunswick), What is
transcendental in the phenomenology of memory? On Husserl's synthesis of
15:40-16:00. Coffee break
16:00-16:50. Susie Kovalczyk (Philosophy of Memory Lab, Universidade
Federal de Santa Maria/CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), Working memory
systems and the minimal self
16:50-17:40. Nicolas de Warren (Pennsylvania State University), A
remembrance of times never past. The phenomenology of false recollections
and imposter memories
17:40-17:50. Comfort break
17:50-18:20. Kourken Michaelian and Alexander Schnell, closing remarks

This event, and in particular travel costs for early-career speakers, is
supported by funding from the Université franco-allemande.

Meeting languages: English and French.

Organizers: Kourken Michaelian, Denis Perrin, Inga Römer, André Sant'Anna,
Alexander Schnell. The event is organized as a collaboration between the
Centre for Philosophy of Memory in Grenoble and the Institute for
Transcendental Philosophy and Phenomenology in Wuppertal.

To register, please send a message to
kourken.michael...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr by 6 April 2020.

Website: http://phil-mem.org/events/2020-phenomenology.html

Le souvenir : Approches phénoménologique et analytique
Workshop pour jeunes chercheurs
6-7 mai 2020
Université Grenoble Alpes

Programme :

6 mai
Salle des conférences, bâtiment Médiat, 71bis rue des Universités

09:00-09:20. Accueil
09:20-10:10. Alexander Schnell (Institute for Transcendental Philosophy and
Phenomenology, Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Approche phénoménologique
de la mémoire
10:10-11:00. Andrea Rivadulla Duro (LOGOS, University of Barcelona), Are
the phenomenology of memory and the phenomenology of imagination mutually
11:00-11:20. Pause café
11:20-12:10. André Sant'Anna (CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), Episodic
memory as a representational state
12:10-13:00. Jan Lockenbauer (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), « L’oubli
qui est mémoire » et « la douleur faite à autrui comme le vrai souvenir »
: sur deux aspects fondamentaux de la mémoire du corps selon Maurice
13:00-14:20. Pause déjeuner
14:20-15:10. Anco Peeters (FOR 2812 "Constructing Scenarios of the Past",
Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Enactive remembering through the lens of
sensorimotor contingencies
15:10-16:00. Inga Römer (Université Grenoble Alpes), Phenomenology of
memory. Husserl - Derrida - Ricœur
16:00-16:20. Pause café
16:20-17:10. Hamid Nourbakhsh (University of Tehran), The role of
imagination and recollection in the phenomenal contrast arguments
17:10-18:00. David Pena (San Francisco State University), Pachyderm
remembrance: The phenomenology of animal memory
18:00-18:10. Pause confort
18:10-19:00. Denis Perrin (CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), On the
subjectivity of episodic remembering
20:00. Dîner

7 mai
Salle des conférences, bâtiment Médiat, 71bis rue des Universités

09:00-09:50. Christoph Hoerl (University of Warwick), Perspective-taking in
09:50-10:40. Jing Shang (Sorbonne), On the paradox of 'immemorial memory'
10:40-11:00. Pause café
11:00-11:50. Bruna Richter (Philosophy of Memory Lab, Universidade Federal
de Santa Maria/CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), The main characteristics of
subjective time involved in episodic simulation
11:50-12:40. Giacomo Croci (Freie Universität Berlin), Fleshing out memory:
Heidegger and Danto on historicity, plus two case studies
12:40-14:00. Pause déjeuner
14:00-14:50. Christopher McCarroll (CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), Seeing
oneself from-the-outside: Point of view in memory imagery
14:50-15:40. Patrick Eldridge (University of New Brunswick), What is
transcendental in the phenomenology of memory? On Husserl's synthesis of
15:40-16:00. Pause café
16:00-16:50. Susie Kovalczyk (Philosophy of Memory Lab, Universidade
Federal de Santa Maria/CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), Working memory
systems and the minimal self
16:50-17:40. Nicolas de Warren (Pennsylvania State University), A
remembrance of times never past. The phenomenology of false recollections
and imposter memories
17:40-17:50. Pause confort
17:50-18:20. Kourken Michaelian and Alexander Schnell, closing remarks

Cet événement, et en particulier les frais de transportation des jeunes
chercheurs, est financé par l'Université franco-allemande.

Langues du workshop : anglais et français.

Organisateurs : Kourken Michaelian, Denis Perrin, Inga Römer, André
Sant'Anna, Alexander Schnell. L’organisation de cet événement résulte de la
collaboration du Centre de Philosophie de la Mémoire de Grenoble et de
l’Institut pour la Philosophie et la Phénoménologie Transcendantales de

Afin de vous inscrire, veuillez envoyer un message à
kourken.michael...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr avant le 6 avril 2020.

Site web : http://phil-mem.org/events/2020-phenomenology.html

Kourken Michaelian


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