[Educasup] June 18th: Miriam Solomon - On Validators for Psychiatric Categories

2019-05-17 Par sujet erc idem

Please circulate this announcement in your lab

June 18th 2019, 14h30-16h00
Bordeaux Pellegrin Hospital, Rheumatology Service, 12th floor

Miriam Solomon (Temple University, USA)

"On Validators for Psychiatric Categories"

A PhilInBioMed seminar

Open to all
On Validators for Psychiatric Categories

The concept of a validator for a psychiatric category developed in the second 
half of the twentieth century and is still in use. Surprisingly, the term 
“validator” has never been explicitly defined in the psychiatric literature. 
Moreover, although lists of different kinds of validators have often been 
stated, there has been no explicit discussion in the literature about how 
different kinds of validator evidence should be aggregated in a decision about 
how to create, revise, or remove a psychiatric category. The goal of this paper 
is to trace the development of the concept of a psychiatric validator, showing 
how our understanding has changed over time. With this in mind, I evaluate 
possible recommendations for aggregating validator evidence.For more 
information click here.

Miriam Solomon is Professor of Philosophy and Department Chair in the 
Department of Philosophy at Temple University.  She is also an Affiliated 
Professor of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies and an Affiliated Professor 
in the Center for Bioethics, Urban Health, and Policy (Temple University School 
of Medicine).
Her research interests are in philosophy of science, philosophy of medicine, 
history of science, epistemology, gender and science and biomedical ethics.
Best regards,

Wiebke Bretting

Dr. Wiebke Bretting
Project Manager ERC IDEM
ImmunoConcEpT, UMR5164
Université de Bordeaux
146 rue Léo Saignat
33076 Bordeaux

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] Next Friday: Sabina Leonelli - Actionable Data for Precision Oncology

2019-05-17 Par sujet erc idem

Please circulate this announcement in your lab

May 24th 2019, 14h30-16h00
Bordeaux Pellegrin Hospital, Rheumatology Service, 12th floor

Sabina Leonelli (University of Exeter, UK)

"Actionable Data for Precision Oncology: Building Trustworthy Evidence for 
Exploratory Research and Clinical Diagnostics"

A PhilInBioMed seminar

Open to all
Actionable Data for Precision Oncology: Building Trustworth Evidence for 
Exploratory Research and Clinical Diagnostics

Difficulties in managing the enormous amount of relevant data being produced by 
researchers around the world continue to undermine data-centred discovery and 
therapeutic development. This is particularly evident when looking for evidence 
to identify which entities should be targeted, and how – an issue typically 
referred to as 'actionability' of data by practitioners (Nelson et al., 2013). 
This paper, co-authored with Niccoló Tempini from the University of Exeter, 
considers how researchers make decisions about the actionability of specific 
datasets and the extent to which such data can be considered to be trustworthy. 
To this aim, we discuss the case of COSMIC, a leading data infrastructure in 
cancer genomics which aggregates a large amount of data sources, ranging from 
literature to screen repositories and functional information about cancer at 
various levels of description (including gene, individual mutation, methylation 
and drug resistance). COSMIC occupies a central 
 position in the path towards precision oncology. It is used by many research 
groups both for exploratory analyses and in drug or diagnostic development 
pipelines, and it has a strong reputation as a reliable source of genomic 
evidence for clinical use. On the basis of qualitative research on COSMIC data 
curation and use practices carried out between 2015 and 2017, we identify 
significant differences in the understanding of data actionability underpinning 
exploratory research on biological mechanisms as opposed to research aiming to 
develop diagnostic knowledge and related instruments/markers. Though sometimes 
inhabited by the same individuals, the exploratory and the diagnostic research 
spaces pose different requirements and constraints upon data use, which in turn 
shape different imaginaries of actionability and perceptions of what makes a 
data source trustworthy.  We show how different ways to construe data use in 
medical research are integral to considerations of evident
 ial reliability, and offer a definition of actionability and trust in data 
that is dependent on the medical goals at hand in any one situation of inquiry. 
For more information click here.

Sabina Leonelli is a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute in London and 
the Co-Director of the Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences 
(Egenis), where she leads the Data Studies research strand. Furthermore, she is 
Editor-in-Chief of the international journal History and Philosophy of the Life 
Sciences, together with Professor Giovanni Boniolo, and Associate Editor for 
the Harvard Data Science Review. In 2018 she was awarded the Lakatos Award for 
her book Data-Centric Biology: A Philosophical Study (University of Chicago 
Press, 2016).

Sabina Leonelli will be available for individual discussions during her stay. 
Those interested in exchanging with her can send an email to 

Best regards,

Wiebke Bretting

Dr. Wiebke Bretting
Project Manager ERC IDEM
ImmunoConcEpT, UMR5164
Université de Bordeaux
146 rue Léo Saignat
33076 Bordeaux

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  

[Educasup] Sciences participatives : nouveaux enjeux épistémologiques, éthiques et politiques. Lyon, 6 et 7 juin 2019

2019-05-17 Par sujet Stéphanie Ruphy

Chères et chers collègues,

vous trouverez ci-dessous le programme d'un colloque qui se tiendra à Lyon du 6 
au 7 juin  prochain  dans le cadre du projet PartiSCiP (IDEX Lyon)  « Sciences 
participatives : nouvelles perspectives épistémologiques sur l’objectivité 
scientifique » www.partiscip.com 

Bien cordialement à tous
Stéphanie Ruphy

Sciences participatives : nouveaux défis épistémologiques, éthiques et 
6 et 7 juin 
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

L'ouverture du processus de production des connaissances scientifiques et 
d'expertise à des citoyens qui ne sont pas des chercheurs professionnels 
bénéficie d'un soutien institutionnel et politique de plus en plus fort. Le 
développement de ces « sciences citoyennes » ou  « sciences participatives » 
soulève  de nouveaux défis épistémologiques, éthiques et politiques. Par 
exemple, une telle ouverture est-elle susceptible, dans certains domaines et 
sous certaines conditions, d’améliorer l’objectivité de la recherche 
scientifique ? Quelles formes concrètes l’implication des citoyens  doit-elle  
alors prendre pour optimiser les conditions épistémologiques garantes de 
l’objectivité scientifique ? Comment assurer une bonne représentativité 
politique et épistémique des intérêts et valeurs parfois divergentes qui 
peuvent se manifester au sein d’un projet participatif ? Le colloque 
rassemblera des contributions de philosophes et de sociologues ainsi q
 ue des retours d’expérience d’acteurs engagés dans des projets de recherche 

Conférenciers invités :
- Justin Biddle (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Florian Charvolin (CNRS, Centre Max Weber)
- Denis Couvet (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris)
- Romain Julliard (Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris)
- Kristina Rolin (Helsinki University)

Programme détaillé :

Thursday, June 6th 

Salle de la Rotonde, 18 Rue Chevreul, 6th floor , Lyon 


9h-10h   Coffe, Registration and 

10h-11hJustin Biddle

 Epistemic Risk and Algorithmic Bias: Can Citizen 
Science Play a Role?

11h-11h30  Elisa Vecchione

  Narratives for co-production: Taking storylines in 
climate change seriously

11h30-12hFabienne Cazalis

Autistic citizens and the 
science of autism 

12h-13h30 Lunch break (Salle de la Rotonde)

13h30-14h30Kristina Rolin

  Objectivity: From Social Epistemology to Political 
Philosophy of Scientific Knowledge

14h30-15h Alexander Christian and Christian 

 Citizen science and social 
responsibilities of scientists

15h-15h30  Vincenzo Politi

 Citizen Science through Science Education: 
reflections from RRI-Practice

15h30-15h50 Coffe break (Salle de la 

15h50-16h20  Kristian H. Nielsen

 Taking citizenship seriously in 
citizen science

16h20-16h50   Cristian Timmermann

Agricultural innovation and contributive justice: 
the multiple advantages of participation

16h50-17h50Romain Julliard

Citizen science contributing to biodiversity 
monitoring: a French experience


Friday, June 8th 

Maison des sciences de l'homme, Room Elise Rivet 14, avenue Berthelot, Lyon


9h-10h  Florian 

Citizen science in the wild : How do accurate names of species appear in nature 
outings ? The case of a video shooting of an outdoor experience with the 
protocol "Biolit"

10h-10h30Guillaume Bagnolini

   Analysis of the ethos of an associative biohacking 
laboratory, the Myne at Lyon   

10h30-11h   Catherine Allamel-Raffin and 
Bernard Ancori

 Objectivité, vérité et évaluation des savoirs dans les 
recherches participatives. Le cas de l’environnement 

11h-11h20Coffee break (MSH, Cafétéria)

11h20-12h20   Denis Couvet

 Citizen science and the ecological transition: 

[Educasup] secrétariat ED 540

2019-05-17 Par sujet Sophie Roux


L’ED 540 recrute sur un CDD de 4 mois (1er septembre-31 décembre 2019) un.e 
secrétaire, qui travaillera en binôme avec l’actuelle secrétaire. La fiche de 
poste est jointe.

Naturellement, ce n’est pas un pré-requis, mais je signale qu’il y a eu les 
années précédentes deux recrutements de jeunes docteurs sur des postes 
similaires et que, sans être satisfaisant dans l’absolu, cela a pu les dépanner.
Pour toute information, contacter : annabelle.millevi...@ens.fr 

Pour candidater, envoyer au plus tard le 1er juin 2019 un CV + une lettre de 
motivation à annabelle.millevi...@ens.fr  
et sophie.r...@ens.fr 
Bien cordialement

Sophie Roux

Sophie Roux
+ 33 6 87 75 84 40

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:  