Chers tous, chères toutes,
Nous prolongeons légèrement la date limite pour nous envoyer le dossier de
candidature pour le post-doctorat sur la thématique "Ethique et IA". Nous
attirons votre attention sur le fait que nous sommes ouverts à des
candidatures aux profils variés. N'hésitez pas à faire circuler cette
Bonne fin d'été,
Anna Zielinska & Cyrille Imbert


Postdoctoral fellowship – Ethics and AI, Université de Lorraine

We are currently recruiting a 12-month postdoctoral fellow to work with
Anna Zielinska, Cyrille Imbert, and Christophe Cerisara on a project at the
crossroads of ethics, epistemology and AI.

We are looking for candidates that are interested in issues pertaining to
the legal, ethical, and computational dimension of Big Data analytics,
Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. Candidates from all
disciplines are welcome, above and beyond candidates having a background in
applied ethics, epistemology or philosophy of science and relevant

The position is opened as soon as Autumn 2019 (and should start no later
than October 2020).
Extended application deadline: September 1, 2019.

Submission. We invite research proposals (2 pages maximum) relevant to the
fields of investigation listed below, coming from candidates interested in
the legal, ethical, and technical analysis of Big Data analytics and AI
(all disciplines are welcome). Research proposals may for example deal with
topics such as:
- algorithms and bias: ethical & political issues
- IA, data collection and protection of personal and private data,
especially in the French context of data collection about ethnicity and
religious beliefs.
- political issues with regards to the social and political control of AI
- ethical and epistemological implications of epistemic opacity and loss of
direct epistemic control in IA
- IA algorithms and responsibility
- decision-making on the basis of IA data & opaque algorithms

We are interested in discussions and strategies that should be adopted in
this context by developers, users, policy makers.

To be successful, applicants should fulfill the following conditions:
- doctoral degree/PhD degree in philosophy, broadly construed or another
relevant discipline (including computer science, but the candidate should
then provide strong evidence of her/his ability to discuss relevant
questions in ethics and philosophy)
- documented research interests and relevant expertise
- letter of motivation
- two papers
- excellent command of written and spoken English. Although not required,
knowledge of French is considered an asset.

Salary: depending on the previous experience of the candidate, the net
monthly salary will be between 1600 and 2200 euros in accordance with the
Université de Lorraine rules.

- Research environment. This post-doc project is offered in the context of
the research project OLKi, which develops researches pertaining to
knowledge engineering and its social dimension. Its main objectives are to
propose novel approaches to study linguistically and extract knowledge
automatically from natural language data and to analyze how such results
are used by citizens and scientists. The question of the openness and
transparency of the algorithms and how it can benefit citizens and
democratic societies is at the core of the project. The post-doc is
expected to contribute to the activities of this vibrant community.

For more information see:

- Affiliation. The postdoc fellow will be jointly affiliated to Archives
Poincaré (AHP, history of science and philosophy) and LORIA (computer
science) which are part of the OLKi consortium and jointly analyse the
normative challenges of digital science and AI by and for citizens. The
Archives Poincaré has a strong tradition of research in digital humanities,
philosophy of logic and computer science and philosophy of computational
science. The postdoc fellow is expected to interact with researchers from
both institutions, who have mutual interest and complementary skills.

- The postdoctoral fellow will work and interact with Anna Zielinska
(lecturer and PhD in philosophy, MA in legal theory and a BSc in
psychology, research interests:  metaethics, applied ethics, legal and
political philosophy), Cyrille Imbert (CNRS researcher, general philosophy
of science, philosophy of computational science) and Christophe Cerisara
(CNRS researcher, AI, with a strong interest in ethical issues related to
IA, OLKi project leader)

The postdoc is expected to contribute to the organization of a seminar on
issues at the crossroads of philosophy and informatics (twice a month), to
the organization of 6 lectures on the topic of IA & ethics as well as to
activities related to the development of a charter of ethics for the OLKi
project. Finally, the postdoc will help to set up short teaching modules
targeted at different audiences, typically engineers and students in HSS in
order to prepare them to include the challenges raised by AI in their
professional life. These tools should be developed in English.

For further information, please contact Cyrille Imbert and Anna Zielinska ( &

To apply, please send your research proposal, your CV, your letter of
motivation and selected publications to Aurore Coince,  Cyrille Imbert, and
Anna Zielinska (,,

Pour toute question, la FAQ de la liste se trouve ici:

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