Dear Wikimedia & Education community,

The time has come to form an education-focused User Group to support the
needs of the global education community.

This weekend, a group of education leaders from 10 countries gathered in
Yerevan, Armenia. We continued a discussion that began in Berlin at the
Wikimedia Conference to strategize about the future of global educational
initiatives within Wikimedia projects. We discussed our current model of
supporting educational initiatives, including the limitations and
challenges we have faced over the last several years.

Though we do not pretend to cover the entire spectrum of education
programs, we believe our collective experience has given us insight into
common needs within the education community. We believe a User Group is a
natural evolution from the current structure of the Wikipedia Education
Collaborative (the “Collab”). As we organize to support educational
initiatives around the world, we want to be inclusive, open, and
transparent within our community. User Groups have formed to help
Wikimedians collaborate across languages and countries, enabling better
communication and visibility globally. With time, we expect this User Group
may become a Thematic Organization.

Moving forward, we believe it’s vital to elevate the narrative of education
within our movement and the knowledge ecosystem. We see this group as a
platform for sharing the experiences and voicing the needs of the entire
global education community.

*We invite all interested parties **to join the User Group* as members (this
includes affiliates, individual program leaders, educators, students, etc), and
commit to setting the stage for greater success of Wikipedia in Education. *To
show your support, p**lease sign up under the "supporters" section in the
proposal page on Meta

Warm regards,

Shani Evenstein, Jami Mathewson, Vassia Atanassova & Liang-chih Shang Kuan
(On behalf of the founding members).
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