Dear Wikimedia & Education community,

I hope this finds you well, safe and healthy! This crisis has been
challenging us all personally and professionally in many different ways,
and you all have our solidarity and support.

Over the last couple weeks the Education Team has been staying busy
creating new #EduWiki challenges and lesson plans, and working on
supporting the UNESCO Global Education Coalition. Not only that, but we
joined the World Scouts for their emergency "Jamboree on the Internet"
April 3-5 We hosted 2 webinars and took part in
"Joti Live." You can see the "Joti Live" episode with our very own Sailesh
Patnaik here:
 or Through this event we
engaged over 21k youth around the world!

The original Joti event will be held in October this year, and we will
start engaging the community soon for their ideas on how we can play an
even bigger role at that time. We want to get our whole Wikimedia &
Education community involved!

Now, for the main reason I'm writing to you today. We are hoping those of
you with time and energy can help us support teachers, guardians, and
students with activities that help students learn with the Wikimedia
projects. You can help by translating and sharing this week's #EduWiki
challenges and lesson plans in your networks, or by creating your own and
sharing them with us. You can find everything you need you need at this

You can create your own and share them with us here

Finally, don't forget to let us know what your community is doing to
support education during this time

If you have questions or other ideas on ways we can support learners let us
know at or join us at the next office hours event
on April 23 from 12:30-13:30 UTC.


*Nichole Saad*
Wikimedia Foundation | Senior Program Manager, Education
user: NSaad (WMF)
Education mailing list

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