Hi All,

I am trying to update a blob field of Informix using PowerTier 5.12, but
i get the following error:

 RemoteException from the server; nested exception is:
java.rmi.RemoteException: ContainerException = name: CSR_ERR,
description: Cursor Error : Number System error occurred in network
Message: -25580, category: 10300, code: 4030, database code: -25580,
index: 0.

Can anybody help me out with this?

I am trying out a simple example: a table with two fields: id(integer)
and txt(text).
I have an EntityBean with id mapped to int and txt mapped to Text data
type of Powertier5.12
The generated code gives me get/set methods for txt with "String"
the code segment creating problem is quoted below for your reference:
try {
IdTxtHome  idTxtHome = (IdTxtHome)
IdTxtKey     idTxtKey = new IdTxtKey(7);
IdTxt     idTxtRemote =
(IdTxt)  idTxtHome.findByPrimaryKey(idTxtKey);
System.out.println("In here.. got values\n");
idTxtRemote.setTxt("Tried updating this record using an entity bean.");
} catch(Exception exc) {

Any help or inputs regarding this will be really helpful.

Thanx in advance,

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