
the below blog post is interesting.


PS1: I still haven't written code for the chat, but I have looked at the ptlib api and thought about it.

PS2: the message
-------- Message transféré --------
From:   Planet Debian <jpuydt@cauchy>
To:     Planet Debian <jpuydt@cauchy>
Date:   Mon, 09 Nov 2015 08:57:17 +0100
X-Feed2Imap-Version:    1.2.5
Message-Id:     <PlanetDebian-40625@cauchy>
Subject:        Daniel Pocock: debian.org RTC: announcing XMPP, SIP presence
and more
Content-Type:   multipart/related; type="multipart/alternative";
MIME-Version:   1.0

*Feed:*         *Planet Debian* <http://planet.debian.org/>
*Item:*         *Daniel Pocock: debian.org RTC: announcing XMPP, SIP presence
and more*

/Announced 7 November 2015
on the debian-devel-announce mailing list

The Debian Project now has an XMPP service available to all Debian
Developers. Your Debian.org email identity can be used as your XMPP address.

The SIP service has also been upgraded and now supports presence. SIP
and XMPP presence, rosters and messaging are not currently integrated.

The Lumicall app has been improved to enable rapid setup for Debian.org
SIP users

This announcement concludes the maintenance window on the RTC services.
All services are now running on jessie (using packages from

XMPP and SIP enable a whole new world of real-time multimedia
communications possibilities: video/webcam, VoIP, chat messaging,
desktop sharing and distributed, federated communication are the most
common use cases.

Details about how to get started and get support are explained in the
User Guide
in the Debian wiki. As it is a wiki, you are completely welcome to help
it evolve.

Several of the people involved in the RTC team
<https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/RTC> were also at the Cambridge
mini-DebConf (7-8 November)

The password for all these real time communication services can be set
via the LDAP control panel <https://db.debian.org/login.html>. Please
note that this password needs to be different to any of your other
existing debian.org passwords. Please use a strong password and please
keep it secure.

Some of the infrastructure, like the TURN server, is shared by clients
of both SIP and XMPP. Please configure your XMPP and SIP clients to use
the TURN server for audio or video streaming to work most reliably
through NAT.

A key feature of both our XMPP and SIP services is that they support
federated inter-connectivity with other domains. Please try it. The
FedRTC service for Fedora developers <https://fedrtc.org> is one example
of another SIP service that supports federation. For details of how it
works and how we establish trust between domains, please see the RTC
Quick Start Guide <http://rtcquickstart.org>. Please reach out to other
communities you are involved with and help them consider enabling SIP
and XMPP federation of their own communities/domains: as Metcalfe's law
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metcalfe%27s_law> suggests, each extra
person or community who embraces open standards like SIP and XMPP has
far more than just an incremental impact on the value of these standards
and makes them more pervasive.

If you are keen to support and collaborate on the wider use of Free RTC
technology, please consider joining the Free RTC mailing list
<https://lists.fsfe.org/mailman/listinfo/free-rtc> sponsored by FSF
Europe. There will also be a dedicated debian-rtc list
<https://lists.debian.org/debian-rtc/> for discussion of these
technologies within Debian and derivatives.

This service has been made possible by the efforts of the DSA team
<https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DSA> in the original SIP+WebRTC project
<http://danielpocock.com/debian-sip-federation> and the more recent
jessie upgrades and XMPP project. Real-time communications systems have
specific expectations for network latency, connectivity, authentication
schemes and various other things. Therefore, it is a great endorsement
of the caliber of the team and the quality of the systems they have in
place that they have been able to host this largely within their
existing framework for Debian services. Feedback from the DSA team has
also been helpful in improving the upstream software and packaging to
make them convenient for system administrators everywhere.

Special thanks to Peter Palfrader and Luca Filipozzi from the DSA team,
Matthew Wild from the Prosody XMPP server <http://prosody.im/> project,
Scott Godin from the reSIProcate <https://www.resiprocate.org/> project,
Juliana Louback <http://julianalouback.com> for her contributions to
JSCommunicator <http://jscommunicator.org> during GSoC 2014
Iain Learmonth <http://iain.learmonth.me/> for helping get the RTC team
<https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/RTC> up and running, Enrico Tassi, Sergei
Golovan and Victor Seva for the Prosody and prosody-modules
<https://packages.qa.debian.org/prosody-modules> packaging and also the
Debian backports team <http://backports.debian.org/>, especially
Alexander Wirt, helping us ensure that rapidly evolving packages like
those used in RTC are available on a stable Debian system.

Date:   2015-11-09 08:57:17 +0100

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