Hello PTLib and OPAL developers,

I am creating ptlib and opal packages to be uploaded in debian experimental from SVN, which can happen very soon. I don't know how to name these packages.

I wanted to name them libpt-2.3 and libopal-2.3, but I was told that it cannot be like this, because the ABI of these libraries can change. In fact, it seems the packages should have the same name as the soname, i.e. libpt.so.2.3-beta0 and libopal.so.3.3-beta0, and, in the future, for the following versions, ...-beta1, ...-beta2, ...

So what is your proposition? Should I use libpt-2.3-beta0 and libopal-3.3-beta0 as package names, or can I use simply libpt-2.3 and libopal-3.3 provided that the ABI will not change? If the ABI might still change, do you know when the ABI will be frozen?

Thanks for your answers,
Eugen Dedu
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