Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-27 Thread Sabuj Kundu
>  wp2.6 and above uses tinymce3.x. tinybn compatible with tinymce3.x is
also ready. Soon I will release all of them.

 . ...
Sabuj Kumar Kundu
About Me: http://blog. manchumahara.
http:/blog.manchumahara. com 
http://forum. amaderprojukti. com 
http://gallery. amaderprojukti. com 

Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-27 Thread Saleem Ahmed
Dear Sabuj,
Thanks for your update on the work re: the plugin. I know you are busy with 
your work and personal life and still make time for contributing to Open 
Source. I always appreciate and admire that.
By the way, does tinymce 2.x series work with Wordpress 2.6? Because that is 
the version I am playing with.
Thanks in advance for your reply.

--- On Fri, 12/26/08, Sabuj Kundu  wrote:

From: Sabuj Kundu 
Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 4:24 PM

The plugin, tinybn that is given for download in ekushey is for tinymce 2.x 
series(no way to work with tinymce3.x) and  and as tinybn is not a default 
plugin for tinymce, it should not be included bydefault. Wp2.7 uses tinymce3.x 
series and that tinybn will not work in wp2.7. Again, I didn't check where to 
edit to add the plugin manually.

As  a current developement status of tinybn:

For tinymce 2.x   done [Up dated in ekushey]
Installation manual for cms: joomla1.x, joomla1.5, drupal5.x
As a  jceplugin(Joomla component) based on tinymce2.x   done [Not updated in 

For tinymce 3.x   done [ Not updated  in ekushey]
As a  jceplugin(Joomla component) based on tinymcex.x   done [Not updated in 

upto now I have noticed some bugs but it can be used in any live site with 
little consideration of browser like FF is better to use this.

Beside the banglakb plugin in html I will try to find the way to use this in wp 

I am trying to change the code of banglakb to make bug free and add more option 
from admin panel. Also I am thinking to add a virtual mouse click (inline or 
popup) keyboard with the banglakb and certainly those can be configured from  
admin :D

I have no close deadline to finish them as I am busy with my study and 
professional works but I will try my best to do some thing great.

Any one wana work with me in tinybn project pls leave me a msg.

Sabuj aka manchu.

 . ...
Sabuj Kumar Kundu
About Me: http://blog. manchumahara. com/about/
http:/blog.manchumahara. com
http://forum. amaderprojukti. com
http://gallery. amaderprojukti. com

On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Saleem Ahmed  wrote:

Dear Sabuj,
Thanks for your kind response.
As far as I could find out, it seems that Wordpress Ver. 2.0 onward uses 
tinymce as the editor. I tried to integrate your TinyBN plugin with the tinymce 
that was installed by default in the usual way which gave me the fatal error 
that I have posted separately. 

--- On Fri, 12/26/08, Sabuj Kundu  wrote:

From: Sabuj Kundu 

Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
To: ekus...@yahoogroups .com
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 3:42 AM

Dear Saleem,

Wordpress uses this the tinymce in a different way so this plugin will not work 
in tinymce of wordpress normally and the solution I gave in ekushey is for 
tinymce in custom web site, joomla and drupal.  
Actually there is no relation among the tinybn plugin and joomla, wordpress, 
drupal but the plugin is for tinymce and it's upto u how u integrate with any 
cms. If any cms loads the tinymce plugins in normal way then the plugin will 
work fine. 
 . ...
Sabuj Kumar Kundu
About Me: http://blog. manchumahara. com/about/
http:/blog.manchumahara. com
http://forum. amaderprojukti. com
http://gallery. amaderprojukti. com

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Saleem Ahmed  wrote:

Dear Sabuj, Thanks for your kind reply. Whatever help you did is much 
appreciated. Thank you very much. I'll surely look at the resource you gave me 
and see where I can go.
By the way, I tried it with Wordpress as well and first thing I got was an PHP 
error and then the page got all mixed up. The keyboard selection buttons 
appeared on the top of the page. After entering Bangla text and clicking on 
Save or Submit, got error. 
I am sorry, writing like this is not helping you much to debug so I'll make 
another post with the required screen shots and error messages.
Incidentally, I tried to post this second issue on amaderprojukti but I could 
not upload the images to the image hosts linked in the page. 

--- On Thu, 12/25/08, Sabuj Kundu  wrote:

From: Sabuj Kundu 

Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
To: ekus...@yahoogroups .com

Date: Thursday, December 25, 2008, 1:46 PM 

Hi Saleem,

First thing is may be u know about the tinymce editor(http://tinymce. 
moxiecode. com/). As a developer of tinybn what I have done is, tinybn is a 
plugin of tinymce. I have no idea about drupal but as I know about joomla and 
wordpress they use the tinymce as the default editor. So at first u have to be 
sure that u have installed tinymce module/component/ plugin (I don't know what 
it's called in drupal) and install the tinybn plugin. I can not help u about 



Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-26 Thread Sabuj Kundu
The plugin, tinybn that is given for download in ekushey is for *tinymce 2.x
* series(no way to work with tinymce3.x) and  and as tinybn is not a default
plugin for tinymce, it should not be included bydefault. Wp2.7 uses
tinymce3.x series and *that tinybn* will not work in wp2.7. Again, I didn't
check where to edit to add the plugin manually.

As  a current developement status of tinybn:

For tinymce 2.x   done [*Up dated in ekushey*]
Installation manual for cms: joomla1.x, joomla1.5, drupal5.x
As a  jceplugin(Joomla component) based on tinymce2.x   done [Not updated in

For tinymce 3.x   done [ Not updated  in ekushey]
As a  jceplugin(Joomla component) based on tinymcex.x   done [Not updated in

upto now I have noticed some bugs but it can be used in any live site with
little consideration of browser like FF is better to use this.

Beside the banglakb plugin in html I will try to find the way to use this in
wp (wp2.7).

I am trying to change the code of banglakb to make bug free and add more
option from admin panel. Also I am thinking to add a virtual mouse click
(inline or popup) keyboard with the banglakb and certainly those can be
configured from  admin :D

*I have no close deadline to finish them as I am busy with my study and
professional works but I will try my best to do some thing great.*

Any one wana work with me in tinybn project pls leave me a msg.

Sabuj aka manchu.

Sabuj Kumar Kundu
About Me:

On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 2:55 AM, Saleem Ahmed  wrote:

>  Dear Sabuj,
> Thanks for your kind response.
> As far as I could find out, it seems that Wordpress Ver. 2.0 onward uses
> tinymce as the editor. I tried to integrate your TinyBN plugin with the
> tinymce that was installed by default in the usual way which gave me the
> fatal error that I have posted separately.
> --- On *Fri, 12/26/08, Sabuj Kundu * wrote:
> From: Sabuj Kundu 
> Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
> To:
> Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 3:42 AM
>  Dear Saleem,
> Wordpress uses this the tinymce in a different way so this plugin will not
> work in tinymce of wordpress normally and the solution I gave in ekushey is
> for tinymce in custom web site, joomla and drupal.
> Actually there is no relation among the tinybn plugin and joomla,
> wordpress, drupal but the *plugin is for tinymce* and it's upto u how u
> integrate with any cms. If any cms loads the tinymce plugins in normal way
> then the plugin will work fine.
>  . ...
> Sabuj Kumar Kundu
> About Me: http://blog. manchumahara. 
> com/about/<>
> http:/blog.manchumahara. com <>
> http://forum. amaderprojukti. com <>
> http://gallery. amaderprojukti. com <>
> http://mkabya. <>
> On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Saleem Ahmed  com
> > wrote:
>>  Dear Sabuj, Thanks for your kind reply. Whatever help you did is
>> much appreciated. Thank you very much. I'll surely look at the resource you
>> gave me and see where I can go.
>> By the way, I tried it with Wordpress as well and first thing I got was an
>> PHP error and then the page got all mixed up. The keyboard selection buttons
>> appeared on the top of the page. After entering Bangla text and clicking on
>> Save or Submit, got error.
>> I am sorry, writing like this is not helping you much to debug so I'll
>> make another post with the required screen shots and error messages.
>> Incidentally, I tried to post this second issue on amaderprojukti but I
>> could not upload the images to the image hosts linked in the page.
>> Saleem
>> --- On *Thu, 12/25/08, Sabuj Kundu >
>> >* wrote:
>> From: Sabuj Kundu >
>> Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
>> To: ekus...@yahoogroups .com 
>> Date: Thursday, December 25, 2008, 1:46 PM
>>  Hi Saleem,
>> First thing is may be u know about the tinymce editor(http://tinymce.
>> moxiecode. com/ <>). As a developer of
>> tinybn what I have done is, tinybn is a plugin of tinymce. I have no idea
>> about drupal but as I know about joomla and wordpress they use the tinymce
>> as the default editor. So at first u have to be sure that u have installed
>> tinymce module/component/ plugin (I don'

Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-26 Thread Saleem Ahmed

Dear Sabuj,
Thanks for your kind response.
As far as I could find out, it seems that Wordpress Ver. 2.0 onward uses 
tinymce as the editor. I tried to integrate your TinyBN plugin with the tinymce 
that was installed by default in the usual way which gave me the fatal error 
that I have posted separately. 

--- On Fri, 12/26/08, Sabuj Kundu  wrote:

From: Sabuj Kundu 
Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 3:42 AM

Dear Saleem,

Wordpress uses this the tinymce in a different way so this plugin will not work 
in tinymce of wordpress normally and the solution I gave in ekushey is for 
tinymce in custom web site, joomla and drupal.  
Actually there is no relation among the tinybn plugin and joomla, wordpress, 
drupal but the plugin is for tinymce and it's upto u how u integrate with any 
cms. If any cms loads the tinymce plugins in normal way then the plugin will 
work fine. 
 . ...
Sabuj Kumar Kundu
About Me: http://blog. manchumahara. com/about/
http:/blog.manchumahara. com
http://forum. amaderprojukti. com
http://gallery. amaderprojukti. com

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Saleem Ahmed  wrote:

Dear Sabuj, Thanks for your kind reply. Whatever help you did is much 
appreciated. Thank you very much. I'll surely look at the resource you gave me 
and see where I can go.
By the way, I tried it with Wordpress as well and first thing I got was an PHP 
error and then the page got all mixed up. The keyboard selection buttons 
appeared on the top of the page. After entering Bangla text and clicking on 
Save or Submit, got error. 
I am sorry, writing like this is not helping you much to debug so I'll make 
another post with the required screen shots and error messages.
Incidentally, I tried to post this second issue on amaderprojukti but I could 
not upload the images to the image hosts linked in the page. 

--- On Thu, 12/25/08, Sabuj Kundu  wrote:

From: Sabuj Kundu 
Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
To: ekus...@yahoogroups .com
Date: Thursday, December 25, 2008, 1:46 PM 

Hi Saleem,

First thing is may be u know about the tinymce editor(http://tinymce. 
moxiecode. com/). As a developer of tinybn what I have done is, tinybn is a 
plugin of tinymce. I have no idea about drupal but as I know about joomla and 
wordpress they use the tinymce as the default editor. So at first u have to be 
sure that u have installed tinymce module/component/ plugin (I don't know what 
it's called in drupal) and install the tinybn plugin. I can not help u about 


 . ...
Sabuj Kumar Kundu
About Me: http://blog. manchumahara. com/about/
http:/blog.manchumahara. com
http://forum. amaderprojukti. com
http://gallery. amaderprojukti. com

On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 2:20 PM, sa629us  wrote:

I want to use the TinyBN plugin for TinyMCE in my Drupal site. My site
is made with Drupal 5.10. Does the plug-in work with 5.10? 
I went through the installation instructions on Ekushey site and step
2 says: "Upload them into
drupal_site_ root/modules/ tinymce/jscripts /tiny_mce/ plugins/"
but I don't see tinymce modules in the modules location. This is how
it looks in my localhost: 
sa...@sraboni: /opt/lampp/ htdocs/drupal/ modules$ ls
aggregator book drupal legacy path search throttle 
block color filter locale ping statistics tracker
blog comment forum menu poll system upload
blogapi contact help node profile taxonomy user

Do I have to add the tinymce module first before I can do this? I
thought tinymce would be installed by default. Or is it that Drupal
5.10 uses a different file layout and TinyBn does not work in this

Would appreciate if anybody can direct me to the right direction.

Thanks in advance!




Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-26 Thread Saleem Ahmed
Thanks for the information. I'm exploring this method now and hope that I can 
make this work.
Thanks for your kind help.

--- On Fri, 12/26/08, Nasimul Haque  wrote:

From: Nasimul Haque 
Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 5:11 AM

The drupal tinymce module does not include the tinymce library. You
have to manually download tinymce from the tinymce website and place
it into the desired location. See README or INSTALL file for the

M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
Wessex Institute of Technology
Southampton, UK


Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-26 Thread Nasimul Haque
The drupal tinymce module does not include the tinymce library. You
have to manually download tinymce from the tinymce website and place
it into the desired location. See README or INSTALL file for the

M. Nasimul Haque, M.Sc.(SUST)
Wessex Institute of Technology
Southampton, UK

Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-26 Thread Sabuj Kundu
Dear Saleem,

Wordpress uses this the tinymce in a different way so this plugin will not
work in tinymce of wordpress normally and the solution I gave in ekushey is
for tinymce in custom web site, joomla and drupal.
Actually there is no relation among the tinybn plugin and joomla, wordpress,
drupal but the *plugin is for tinymce* and it's upto u how u integrate with
any cms. If any cms loads the tinymce plugins in normal way then the plugin
will work fine.

Sabuj Kumar Kundu
About Me:

On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Saleem Ahmed  wrote:

>   Dear Sabuj, Thanks for your kind reply. Whatever help you did is much
> appreciated. Thank you very much. I'll surely look at the resource you gave
> me and see where I can go.
> By the way, I tried it with Wordpress as well and first thing I got was an
> PHP error and then the page got all mixed up. The keyboard selection buttons
> appeared on the top of the page. After entering Bangla text and clicking on
> Save or Submit, got error.
> I am sorry, writing like this is not helping you much to debug so I'll make
> another post with the required screen shots and error messages.
> Incidentally, I tried to post this second issue on amaderprojukti but I
> could not upload the images to the image hosts linked in the page.
> Saleem
> --- On *Thu, 12/25/08, Sabuj Kundu * wrote:
> From: Sabuj Kundu 
> Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
> To:
> Date: Thursday, December 25, 2008, 1:46 PM
>  Hi Saleem,
> First thing is may be u know about the tinymce editor(http://tinymce.
> moxiecode. com/ <>). As a developer of tinybn
> what I have done is, tinybn is a plugin of tinymce. I have no idea about
> drupal but as I know about joomla and wordpress they use the tinymce as the
> default editor. So at first u have to be sure that u have installed tinymce
> module/component/ plugin (I don't know what it's called in drupal) and
> install the tinybn plugin. I can not help u about drupal.
> Thanks.
>  . ...
> Sabuj Kumar Kundu
> About Me: http://blog. manchumahara. 
> com/about/<>
> http:/blog.manchumahara. com <>
> http://forum. amaderprojukti. com <>
> http://gallery. amaderprojukti. com <>
> http://mkabya. <>
> On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 2:20 PM, sa629us  com
> > wrote:
>>   Hi,
>> I want to use the TinyBN plugin for TinyMCE in my Drupal site. My site
>> is made with Drupal 5.10. Does the plug-in work with 5.10?
>> I went through the installation instructions on Ekushey site and step
>> 2 says: "Upload them into
>> drupal_site_ root/modules/ tinymce/jscripts /tiny_mce/ plugins/"
>> but I don't see tinymce modules in the modules location. This is how
>> it looks in my localhost:
>> sa...@sraboni: /opt/lampp/ htdocs/drupal/ modules$ ls
>> aggregator book drupal legacy path search throttle
>> watchdog
>> block color filter locale ping statistics tracker
>> blog comment forum menu poll system upload
>> blogapi contact help node profile taxonomy user
>> Do I have to add the tinymce module first before I can do this? I
>> thought tinymce would be installed by default. Or is it that Drupal
>> 5.10 uses a different file layout and TinyBn does not work in this
>> version?
>> Would appreciate if anybody can direct me to the right direction.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Saleem

Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-25 Thread Saleem Ahmed
Dear Sabuj, Thanks for your kind reply. Whatever help you did is much 
appreciated. Thank you very much. I'll surely look at the resource you gave me 
and see where I can go.
By the way, I tried it with Wordpress as well and first thing I got was an PHP 
error and then the page got all mixed up. The keyboard selection buttons 
appeared on the top of the page. After entering Bangla text and clicking on 
Save or Submit, got error. 
I am sorry, writing like this is not helping you much to debug so I'll make 
another post with the required screen shots and error messages.
Incidentally, I tried to post this second issue on amaderprojukti but I could 
not upload the images to the image hosts linked in the page. 

--- On Thu, 12/25/08, Sabuj Kundu  wrote:

From: Sabuj Kundu 
Subject: Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?
Date: Thursday, December 25, 2008, 1:46 PM

Hi Saleem,

First thing is may be u know about the tinymce editor(http://tinymce. 
moxiecode. com/). As a developer of tinybn what I have done is, tinybn is a 
plugin of tinymce. I have no idea about drupal but as I know about joomla and 
wordpress they use the tinymce as the default editor. So at first u have to be 
sure that u have installed tinymce module/component/ plugin (I don't know what 
it's called in drupal) and install the tinybn plugin. I can not help u about 


 . ...
Sabuj Kumar Kundu
About Me: http://blog. manchumahara. com/about/
http:/blog.manchumahara. com
http://forum. amaderprojukti. com
http://gallery. amaderprojukti. com

On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 2:20 PM, sa629us  wrote:

I want to use the TinyBN plugin for TinyMCE in my Drupal site. My site
is made with Drupal 5.10. Does the plug-in work with 5.10? 
I went through the installation instructions on Ekushey site and step
2 says: "Upload them into
drupal_site_ root/modules/ tinymce/jscripts /tiny_mce/ plugins/"
but I don't see tinymce modules in the modules location. This is how
it looks in my localhost: 
sa...@sraboni: /opt/lampp/ htdocs/drupal/ modules$ ls
aggregator book drupal legacy path search throttle 
block color filter locale ping statistics tracker
blog comment forum menu poll system upload
blogapi contact help node profile taxonomy user

Do I have to add the tinymce module first before I can do this? I
thought tinymce would be installed by default. Or is it that Drupal
5.10 uses a different file layout and TinyBn does not work in this

Would appreciate if anybody can direct me to the right direction.

Thanks in advance!




Re: [ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-25 Thread Sabuj Kundu
Hi Saleem,

First thing is may be u know about the tinymce editor( As a developer of tinybn what I have done
is, tinybn is a plugin of tinymce. I have no idea about drupal but as I know
about joomla and wordpress they use the tinymce as the default editor. So at
first u have to be sure that u have installed tinymce
module/component/plugin (I don't know what it's called in drupal) and
install the tinybn plugin. I can not help u about drupal.


Sabuj Kumar Kundu
About Me:

On Thu, Dec 25, 2008 at 2:20 PM, sa629us  wrote:

>   Hi,
> I want to use the TinyBN plugin for TinyMCE in my Drupal site. My site
> is made with Drupal 5.10. Does the plug-in work with 5.10?
> I went through the installation instructions on Ekushey site and step
> 2 says: "Upload them into
> drupal_site_root/modules/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/"
> but I don't see tinymce modules in the modules location. This is how
> it looks in my localhost:
> sa...@sraboni:/opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/modules$ ls
> aggregator book drupal legacy path search throttle
> watchdog
> block color filter locale ping statistics tracker
> blog comment forum menu poll system upload
> blogapi contact help node profile taxonomy user
> Do I have to add the tinymce module first before I can do this? I
> thought tinymce would be installed by default. Or is it that Drupal
> 5.10 uses a different file layout and TinyBn does not work in this
> version?
> Would appreciate if anybody can direct me to the right direction.
> Thanks in advance!
> Saleem

[ekushey] TinyBN compatible with Drupal 5.10?

2008-12-25 Thread sa629us
I want to use the TinyBN plugin for TinyMCE in my Drupal site. My site
is made with Drupal 5.10. Does the plug-in work with 5.10? 
I went through the installation instructions on Ekushey site and step
2 says: "Upload them into
but I don't see tinymce modules in the modules location. This is how
it looks in my localhost: 
sa...@sraboni:/opt/lampp/htdocs/drupal/modules$ ls
aggregator  book drupal  legacy  path search  throttle 
block   colorfilter  locale  ping statistics  tracker
blogcomment  forum   menupoll system  upload
blogapi contact  helpnodeprofile  taxonomyuser

Do I have to add the tinymce module first before I can do this? I
thought tinymce would be installed by default. Or is it that Drupal
5.10  uses a different file layout and TinyBn does not work in this

Would appreciate if anybody can direct me to the right direction.

Thanks in advance!
