Hello all,

I think The current configuration model for OpenStack auth behaves quite
inconsistently, so I would like some feedback about how to proceed after
release 1.3.

There are (potentially) three sources of authentication information for
the OpenStack driver:

1. ElastiCluster's configuration file
2. Environmental variables (e.g., `OS_USERNAME`, `OS_PASSWORD`)
3. os-client-config's `cloud.yml` and `secure.yml` files (not currently
   supported by ElastiCluster)

Each of them has downsides:

* For 1.: Credentials are written in the file in plaintext, intermixed
  with other public configuration data; can easily happen that they are
  posted as part of a bug report or by sharing an example config or that
  the file is not adequately protected (an issue on shared computers).

* For 2.: Credentials are stored in the environment in plaintext (but at
  least they go away with the process), no danger of accidentally
  posting as part of a bug report.

* For 3.: The YAML config file cannot (yet) be downloaded from the
  Horizon web interface (see [1], as opposed to e.g. just downloading
  the `openrc` environment file) so one has to copy+paste the
  information according to the spec in the instruction manual.

I would like to eventually switch to 3. (os-client-config, which will be
*the* configuration mechanism for official OpenStack CLI programs) but
at present, ElastiCluster uses a "hybrid" approach between 1. and 2.:
OpenStack settings (incl. authentication credentials) are read from the
configuration file, but then they are overridden by the environment.
This allows one to e.g. omit the `password=...` configuration key and
instead set the `OS_PASSWORD` env variable as needed.

However, this hybrid approach has another downside: it becomes pointless
to keep different OpenStack configurations in the config file: as soon
as the `openrc` file for a cloud is loaded, it will override the written
configuration of *any* OpenStack cloud in ElastiCluster.

So I would like to get some feedback:

- is there anyone out there actually using multiple OpenStack clouds?
  (if not, I guess the current system is good enough)

- if there is a need to support multiple OpenStack clouds at the same
  time, would the `os-client-config` method (nr 3. above) be a good way

- is the current OpenStack configuration system in ElastiCluster
  actually hindering anyone?

Thanks for any comments!



Riccardo Murri / Email: riccardo.mu...@gmail.com / Tel.: +41 77 458 98 32

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