Take one of those pink erasers split one end with razor
blade [sharp knife] drag leads of part through it helps
clean up & helps solder flow 
Chuck  AA8VS

"Fred (FL)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>When I built my K2 spring 06 - and soldered along, day
>and night after night.  I always made sure to have
>my soldering tip set a high enough temperature, and
>tried as best I could to get very good solder flow
>with my Kester solder - both onto the component lead,
>and the PCB's pad and "hole".  
>The "hole" and Elecraft's 2-sided PCB's always puzzled
>me a bit - as I was never sure if there were pads,
>plated-thru hole, and lower pads - every time.  In
>other words when I soldered a component on the top
>side of the RF Board - and got a great solder flow -
>was I supposed to look to see if there was a pad
>and "great flow" on the bottom side too?
>Apparently I must have figured right - none of my
>solder connections ever gave any trouble, and K2
>checked out right, after every section build!
>Probably lucky.
>"Solder Flow" - with lead based solder, and its tin
>content, etc. - reminds me of my first career in the
>newspaper field.  I was one of those rare birds who
>fixed linotype hot-metal typecasting machines for 10
>years.  In those days there were magic crayon-like
>sticks we threw into the metal pot, and daily skimming
>of the dross that built up on the top layer of the
>pot's liquid lead/tin/antimony metal mixture.
>Temperature was critical then, to ensure razor sharp
>newspaper type letters on the top of each ejected
>"line of type" that came out of those black beauty
>machines.  I think I could still fix one of them
>in my sleep.  Our daily newspaper in Buffalo, had
>49 machines - for 5 editions a day.  By the by,
>linotype metal supposedly the best for casting
>pistol bullets.  Extra hard.
>Kept a guy out of trouble .....
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