Good Evening,

   Loggers moved in early Monday.  Today I am hearing the beeping like after a CW contest.  Each time the harvester moves forward or backward there are a series of blasts from the air-horn.  The logger told me it is fed directly from the hydraulic cooling system's air pumps.  Luckily he is done with the wood nearest the house.  That means it will be quieter next week. Here is a link to the harvester he is using. With this machine he is cutting, limbing, and bucking to length about one tree a minute.  If the log he is cutting is unmarketable he bucks it up for firewood.  There is no way I will ever be able to use it all.

   A note on our Elecraft CW Net exchange.  Since it is a directed net I call for check ins then work each in order.  I send a signal report and pass control to the operator.  They send me a signal report and whatever it is they want to talk about and then pass control back to me.  Weather is simple and often gets mentioned. Snow, ice, hail, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, forest fires, etc have been described.  Crop reports, pets, kids, and travel too. Occasionally a new antenna will get checked. Other times a new piece of gear will get tested.  We did hear the 1500 watt amp first-hand quite early in its history.  As the KX1, K3, KX2, and KX3 came along they got checked in too.

   Operators have used the legal limit down to milliwatts to get my attention.  My ears were tested at both ends of that spectrum   Some folks like to practice copying faster code so they follow along.  I get many comments about net reports and how they could hear me even if they did not check in.  I have never closed any of the nets; I think that would be presumptuous.  At the end of every net I send QNF which means there is a free net.  I normally am off the air at that point but I do leave the radio on and can hear further exchanges.  It has been fun for many years.

   There was another short lived sunspot from cycle 25 this week. That's two in less than a month.  I sense a trend.  Maybe this spring we'll see a flowering of new spots.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday  (2 PM PST Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0000z Monday  (4 PM PST Sunday)


   Kevin. KD5ONS


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