Good Evening,
   The sun acted up recently; it was quite obvious on each band.  The noise 
level was high enough to cover the weaker stations.  Luckily I had N0SS and 
K9ZTV to help me from Missouri.  Thank you for your help.  I could hear K2HYD 
but I would not have been able to work him.  There was less QSB on either net 
than there was last week which helped matters.  Unfortunately, KL7CW's normally 
booming KX1 was lowered to an S3 signal.  K6PJV mentioned the band was fading 
when he checked in on forty meters.  However, it was still light out when I 
stepped outside afterward.  Spring is coming!  
   The rain stopped sometime last night and there were a few minutes of sun.  I 
have six inches of snow remaining but I think I may see the ground again soon.  
Luckily the melting snow and the rain were not enough to engulf our neighboring 
villages in flood waters.  They were predicting more rain and higher 
temperatures so the local ARES folks were getting prepared for another week of 
ECOM.  But we will get some practice on the 20th when I give my class again for 
the district.  I am going to change the material somewhat so I don't fall 
asleep while lecturing.  That would be quite embarrassing!
   I need to correct an error I made last night in the announcement.  It is 
Stephen Sondheim not Steven.  I did not check before I sent off the message.  
As I sat through the production I realized I had never seen the entire show 
before.  I was surprised since I knew all the lyrics and had seen a great 
number of the scenes.

On to the lists =>

On 14051.18 kHz at 2300z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138     ** QNI #100 **
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993 
NO8V - John - MI - K2 in process
N0SS - Tom - MO - K3 - 008
K9ZTV - Kent - MO - K3 - 21
N9SF - Bob - IN - K3 - 332
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K2 - 5345
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398
N7KRT - Jeff - NV - K2 - 5471       QNI #45!!!

On 7045 kHz at 0100z:
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138
W0JFR - John - CO - K2 - 4507
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
K9ZTV - Kent - MO - K3 - 21
N9SF - Bob - IN - K3 - 332          QNI #20!!
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K3 - 75
N7KRT - Jeff - NV - K2 - 5471
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422
K2HYD - Ray - NC - KX1 - 608
WB5BKL - Nick - TX - K3 - 231
KD2JC - Joe - NJ - ?
K7TQ - Randy - ID - 213
NO8V - John - MI - K2 in process
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798    ** QNI #115 **
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866    ** QNI #100 ** 
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K2 - 5345

   If there are any corrections necessary please send them to me so I can fix 
things.  As you can see there are more and more K3s checking in.  It won't be 
that long before the serial numbers are four digits long!  Another two folks 
have joined the 100 QNI club.  This is gratifying as is the howl of the 
continuous tone check in.  Four or five times I was unable to distinguish a 
single character due to the cacophony.  That is why the last call sent is often 
the first one acknowledged.  
   Until next week stay warm and dry,
         Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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