Good Evening,
   Yes, it is still raining.  The weather is testing my new roof to see if it 
can find a way in.  My skylight appears to be the weak link.  Uck!  There must 
be a way to solve this.  But the fire is toasty and my bench has a pile of 
projects ready to build.  Some kits, some parts to solder dead bug style onto 
PCB material, and others from melding schematic snippets together along with 
some paper and calculator work.  By springtime I will have some more QRP gear 
and a lot more understanding of how it works and how to design it.  Winter can 
be a lot of fun :)  
   Propagation was not bad but not great either.  Twenty meters did seem weaker 
than normal and forty meters did not elicit as many check ins as it has lately. 
 But it is nice to hear folks.  I have not yet been skunked and from what I 
read on SpaceWeather the sun is waking up.  We are due for a CME strike in day 
or two.  There are already exciting aurora at northern latitudes but those may 
wander southward with this new spate of ions impinging upon us.  So, a day of 
noise followed by a few days of very good propagation.  The FYBO folks 
mentioned 15 meters waking up with this activity.  That will be nice.
   On to the lists =>

 On 14050 kHz at 2300z:
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K3 - 457
AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398
N7KRT - Jeff - TX - K2 - 5471
N0SS - Tom - MO - K3 - 008
K1THP - Dave - CT - K3 - 686
NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820
AE6IC - Fred - CA - K3 - 2241
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K3 - 642
NK6A - Don - CA - K2 - 1217
K4JPN - Steve - GA - K2 - 1422
W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866

 On 7045.5 kHz at 0000z:
AB9V - Mike - IN - K3 - 398
N7KRT - Jeff - TX - K2 - 5471
W0RSR - Mike - CO - K2 - 5767
NO8V - John - MI - K3 - 820
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K3 - 1183   * QNI # 165 *
N0TA - John - CO - K3 - 994   (on its way to an Aptos vacation)
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
AE6IC - Fred - CA - K3 - 2241     QNI # 10 !!

   My weather forecast is for pretty much non-stop rain for the next two weeks. 
 That doesn't mean the rain is going to cease but rather how long my forecast 
runs into the future.  It is not like I expect it to end because it can keep 
raining until May and not be unusual.  However, it is peaceful to hear it 
hitting the roof on the days when the rain is not torrential.  I do need to get 
away from the bench occasionally and get back to where I can use the radios on 
the air.  The fox hunts are a good break twice a week as are the two Elecraft 
nets.  I really should get on the air on 80 meters and see who my neighbors are 
during the week.  Maybe I will run into some folks I have actually met face to 
face :)  
   Until next week stay warm and stay healthy,
         Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)


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