Phil, NS7P, was away today, avoiding the heat wave in Oregon.


Thanks to all for checking in today. Signals were very good, overall and the
band was quieter here than has been typical. Gary, KA7GKN, wrapped up with a
group on 14.316 at 18:00Z, turning things over  to the net.


I tried taking calls first, then turning it to each station in turn for
their details, which seemed to be fairly efficient. Thanks also to those who
called for check-ins "back east." I did not specifically ask for assistance
for the east coast until late, so if there were stations missed, I


Only one Hallicrafters comment today (a misunderstanding), and one
"accidental" check-in by KC9CWH, who did not realize the net was
Elecraft-centric. She was welcomed into the hobby, having been licensed only
since April.


We closed the net at 18:34 with 22 check-ins + NCS.


AD4C    Hector  FL K3 2192

N0QO    Ken     CO K3 1047

W8OV    Dave    TX K3 3139

KA0NCR  Arnie   NE K3 185

KD0R    David   KS K2 6708

W9DVM   Phil    FL K3 1605

N5ION   Doug    TX K3 2659

K6UO    Norm    CA K3 755

K0ARO   Kurt    IA K3 151 (low K3 SN today)

K0DXV   Doug    CO K3 3294 (high K3 SN today)

KK7P    Lyle    WA K3 2036

N6JW    John    CA K3 936

K4JPN   Steve   GA K2 1422 (his  K2 is 7 years old)

W0NTA   Dick    CO K3 1208

AD5SX   Paul    NM TS-480

KJ5QY   Rick    TX K3 2834

KC9CWH  Sharon  WI IC-746 (new ham in April)

AE5JG (did not return after initial check-in)

KE5FNA  Robert  MS IC-756 ProIII

KG4YGP/M Fred   SC FT-100D (Looking for published comparisons between

Flex 5000 and K3, personal experience also) E-mail him at

W9AQ    Robert  IL FT-817 Elecraft KAT-100 (K3 on wish list)

AC0NM   Glen    MT K3 2843

K4SO    Mark    VA K3 2861 (NCS)


Have a great week.


73, Mark


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