I hate to admit this, but I finally finished the KX1 I purchased over a year and a half ago. I made good progress in the beginning, then ran into a snag, so I decided to set it aside for a while. That "while" turned out to be over a year.

At any rate, #577 is now live and on the air. Power output (on 40m, at least) is pretty good at 3.5 - 3.8W with a 12V DC supply.

My first contact was with WD0K last night, with the KX1 connected to my 40m dipole. What a rush it was to have him answer my call!

After making that contact, I finished building the antenna tuner, and my second contact this morning was with W0UE in Missouri with the antenna tuner inline. Both stations gave me a 559 report.

I've been a subscriber to this list for more than a year, but now I feel like a *real* Elecrafter.


President, ARROW Comm. Assn. (www.w8pgw.org)
ARRL MI Section Affiliated Club Coordinator
Candidate for GL Division Vice Director, Fall 2005
Read my ham radio blog at www.kb6nu.com

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