Hallo Group,

last week i build K2 No. 4867.

It was a pleasure to build that rig.

Everything was fine until the final test of the RF Board.

The first try for sending was negative. The K2 says hicur on all bands.
The Power output is for a short time about 20 Watt and it needs about 5 Amp.
If the Power Poti is full ccw at minimum there are nothing on output. If I
turn it just a little cw the power exploded to 20 Watt, the K2 say hicur and
the transmitting stops.

The second problem I found is that the K2 is deaf on 20 and 30 Meters. I
think the problem is in the band pass filter of 20 and 30 Meters. If I
inject a signal from the antenna direct between C20 and C19 I can hear loud
and clear the noise from the band or any cw stations. If I inject the signal
on the left side of C22 (left in the schematic near L8) than the signal is
very weak. If I inject the signal on the right side of C22 nothing is to
hear, except some Stations that are on my other rig 59 +20 db, those I can
here with S0. I desolded and checked C22 and its ok. The Relay K4 is ok,
too. When I messure from w6 to the between of C24 and C25 there is 0 Ohm
when 20 or 30 Meter is selected, when another Band is selected there is abt.
1 MOhm. All the Caps in the band pass are ok.

Who can give me a hint for solving the problem?

On the other Bands the receiving is very good.


Michael, DL2YMR 

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