Hi there K3 owners-in-waiting:

By this time, it must be crystal clear that the boyz in Aptos were
irrationally exuberant in their projections of how fast the K3 would
get "out the door."  It has recently been stated by the boyz that,
effectively, "we don't know."  That is the most honest statement and
one which I stated (and urged) here months ago.

But the key phrase above is CRYSTAL CLEAR...which refers to the buyers.

Every time I see a posting about a new "shipping update" I wince
before I click on the link.  But for now, that is all I do.  It is
what it is.

I bought (ordered) the K3 because of (a) incredible specs, (b) my own
experience with the K2, (c) personal excitement about getting a new
rig, (d) UNREAL low price for what I would get performance-wise, and
(e) disregard for my own well-established "rules" about buying a "cat
in a bag."

Before I left for Dayton, I told my wife that I was going to buy the
K3 and she said, "No you're not."  I laughed and said, "Why not?"  And
her reply was word-for-word exactly me.  She said, "1.  Nobody has one
yet.  2.  It hasn't been out one year.  3.  It has not been reviewed
by ARRL or RadCom.  4.  You haven't played with one yet.  5.  Fellow
contesters, based on first hand experience, have not commented on its
performance yet."  Yup...I knowingly ignored over 40 years of
"rule-building" when it comes to buying a new contest radio.  I was

At this time, I have chosen to sit it out because, quite frankly,
there is nothing else out there that I would buy.  It's a K3 or
nothing.  AND...for me, "contest season" is over for 2007 (save the
Stew Perry Top Band) and I know that I won't my radio will not be here
by then either.  So further angst is now completely fruitless.  So is
"getting pissed."  I STILL WANT THE RADIO.

I am not suggesting that those who want to comment on delivery stop
doing so.  I am suggesting a possible alternative perspective (way of
thinking) while we all squirm in anticipation of the Lisa

de Doug KR2Q
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