IT’S A K3!

At 7:10 PM on February 27, 2008, the Big Brown Stork delivered K3 kit #474
to W0FM.  An 8.5 pound, 10” long bundle of joy.  The delivery went
flawlessly and involved minimal labor, thanks mostly to the fine pre-natal
care provided by the amazing professionals in Aptos.  The birth came just a
couple of weeks sooner than the usual 9 month gestation period, which was
good because papa was getting antsy.

On seeing the look on my face when delivering #474, Dr. Brown (of The UPS
Obstetrics Group) exclaimed, “you appear very excited, is this your
first?”.  “No, I replied proudly, he has an eight year old brother, K2.”

After doing the normal new-born inventory it was confirmed that #474 appears
to have all of his requisite “fingers and toes”.  While he is formally named
“Elecraft K3 #474”, family and close friends have immediately begun calling
him by his nickname, “Mojo”.  

Upon freeing him from his lovingly-applied delivery bunting, I put little
Mojo down for a peaceful night in a makeshift crib near my workbench.  I did
notice that K2, his older brother, was beginning to pout somewhat.  Dr.
Brown has assured me that this is normal and that K2 will get over this
jealousy in due time.

Tomorrow I will spend the recommended ten hours or so sprucing Mojo up a
bit.  By Saturday I hope to begin teaching the little guy to talk.  You can
already tell that he is anxious to speak his first words!


Terry, W0FM
K2 #3716
K3 #474

(Those thoughtful enough to consider sending trinkets or gifts for little
Mojo will appreciate the fact that he is registered at: 
CBA only, please.)

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