From K3 FAQ´s:


What are the band ranges in terms of AF frequency?

The bands are centered at 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1600, 2400, and 3200 Hz. We can easily change these if something else turns out to make sense. Also note that TX EQ will be adjustable while in TX mode.

Mentioned possibilty of easy change of freq is very good message as it can be done sometime in futute better fitted for some typical data modes.
(WSJT mentioned and surely some others)

Thanks Elecraft ;-)

Lexa, ok1dst
K3/10 #727

Lyle Johnson napsal(a):
Surely there is need for TxEQ - for example with WSJT mode to compensate different levels from souncard and possible filter influence for all tones to set equal power-out.

The TxEQ adjustment frequencies are set for voice operation. They are the same setpoints as used in the W2IHY 8-band EQ.

They are probably not in the right places to compensate for whatever ripple might be in the subsequent crystal filters in the Tx Path. Also, such compensation would change with USB/LSB operation, and is not easily observable by the operator of the Tx, so might not be straightforward to set properly.

Any mode that is designed for robust, or weak signal, HF data operation should have allowance for slight amplitude and phase variations, since that is a normal part of HF signal propagation.

I do not remember if TxEQ settings is stored via mode or not.

They are not, nor are Rx EQ settings, at present.


Lyle KK7P

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