Hi Elecrafters,
    I have been using a KRC-2 for about one year, to control microwave
transverters and provide seamless interfacing between the K2 and the
microwave bands of 903 and up.
    My question is: When will the KRC-2 be updated to accomodate the six
TRN bands that are in the version 2.04 firmware release?  I would like
to have some way to control more than the three bands available now. I
use Writelog to set the operating frequency and change bands. If a
station wants to work me on a different band, say 2304.110, I type
2304110 and BINGO I am there. I hit the K2 key paddle or push the mike
button. It is very simple and saves much time and confusion.
    I guess what I need is the software utility that can reconfigure the
KRC-2. I keep checking the website and nothing ever appears about it.
The summer microwave season is upon us, and I am trying to get
everything set up. I really need four TRN bands set up on one K2, and
three bands on another. Last year I used three K2s, but reducing that
number to two would free up valuable desk space and allow more room for
empty beer bottles and pizza boxes.

Dave K1WHS

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