My initial CQ on twenty meters was quickly picked up by none other than
another KX-1 ! Thanks to Dan and his mighty attic dipole, KX-1 nr 959 logged
its first QSO --  thanks OM!

The rig works beautifully despite this op's goofy mistakes ;) Somehow, after
being soooo careful, I still managed to end the kit and have a resistor and
capacitor still in the muffin tin! R10 and C19; both checked off in the
manual and both left out...go figure! And lastly, the ol' headphone in the
key jack trick...can you hear me now? Sheesh...

Overall, I'm really liking this radio! I really like what I'm hearing in the
receiver. I also like the keying/QSK; very smooth with minimal thump. Now to
play and then later in the week tackle the 30m module and ATU. 

Thanks again Dan N0TK for being Q number 1!

73 John K7FD, KX1/959, K1/78, and K2/586

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