JANUARY 2006 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
40 METER FOXHUNT - Each Friday 0200z to 0329z
(Thurs 9 PM to 10:29 PM EST)
80 METER FOXHUNT - Each Wednesday 0200z to 0329z
(Tues 9 PM to 10:29 PM EST)
Info: http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org
NACC Straight Key/Bug Sprint *** QRP CONTEST! ***
EST: Jan 18, 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM
UTC: Jan 19, 0130z to 0330z
Rules: http://www.arm-tek.net/~yoel/contests.html
LZ OPEN CONTEST (CW 80M/40M) ...QRP Category
Jan 21, 0400z to 1200z
Rules: http://www.linkove.com/lz-open-contest/
North American QSO Party (SSB) (100w max. QRP Entries Noted)
Jan 21, 1800z to Jan 22, 0600z
Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php
ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes ... Low Power Category
Jan 21, 1900z to Jan 23, 0400z
Rules: http://www.arrl.org/contests/calendar.html?year=2005
CQ WW 160-Meter DX Contest (CW) ... QRP Category
Jan 28, 0000z to Jan 29, 2359z
Rules: http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/awards.html
BARTG RTTY Sprint Contest Jan 28, 1200z to Jan 29, 1200z
Rules: http://www.bartg.demon.co.uk/Contests/06_sprint_rules.htm
UBA DX Contest (Belgian) (SSB) ... QRP Category
Jan 28, 1300z to Jan 29, 1300z
Rules: http://www.uba.be/hf_contests/rules_en.html#
February 2006 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
40 METER FOXHUNT - Each Friday 0200z to 0329z
(Thurs 9 PM to 10:29 PM EST)
Info: http://www.qrpfoxhunt.org
Vermont QSO Party (CW/Ph)
Feb 4, 0000z to Feb 5, 2400z
Rules: http://www.ranv.org/vtqso.html
10-10 Int. Winter Phone QSO Party ... QRP Category
Feb 4, 0001z to Feb 5, 2359z
Rules: http://www.ten-ten.org/rules.html
Minnesota QSO Party (All) ... QRP Category
Feb 4, 1400z to 2400z
Rules: http://www.w0aa.org/
FYBO Winter QRP Field Day (CW/SSB) ... QRP Contest!
Feb 4, 1400z to 2400z
Rules: http://www.azscqrpions.org/FYBO2006_01032006.htm
AGCW Straight Key QSO Party (CW 80M) ... QRP Category
Feb 4, 1600z to  1900z
Rules: http://www.agcw.org/agcw-con/2006/Englisch/htp_e.htm
Delaware QSO Party (All)
Feb 4, 1700z to Feb 5, 0500z
Feb 5, 1300z to Feb 6, 0100z
Rules: http://www.fsarc.org
North American Sprint (SSB) ... QRP Category
Feb 5, 0000z to 0400z
Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/sprintrules.php ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
QRP ARCI Fireside Sprint (SSB) ...QRP Contest!
Feb 5, 2000z to 2400z
Rules: http://www.qrparci.org/
Adventure Radio Society - Spartan Sprint (CW) ... QRP Contest!
Feb 7, 0200z to 0400z (First Monday 9 PM EST)
Rules: http://www.arsqrp.com/
CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest ... Low Power Category
Feb 11, 0000z to Feb 12, 2400z
Rules: http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/awards.html
Northern New York Section QSO Party (All)
Feb 11, 0000z to Feb 12, 2359z
Rules: http://www.nnyara.org/qso2006.htm
New Hampshire QSO Party (Ph/CW/Dig) ... QRP Category
Feb 11, 0001z to Feb 13, 0001z
Rules: http://www.wz1f.net/
Dutch PACC Contest (SSB/CW) ... QRP Category
Feb 11, 1200z to Feb 12, 1200z
Rules: http://www.veron.nl/pacc/rules2006.html
Louisiana QSO Party (Ph/CW) Feb 11, 1500z to Feb 12, 0300z Rules: http://laqso.w5yl.org/
FISTS Winter Sprint (CW of course) ...QRP Category
Feb 11, 1700z to 2100z
Rules: http://www.fists.org/sprints.html
British Columbia QSO Challenge (CW/Ph/Dig) ... QRP Category
Feb 11, 1800z to Feb 12, 1800z
Rules: http://www.deltaamateurradio.com/
North American Sprint (CW) ... QRP Category
Feb 12, 0000z to 0400z
Rules: http://www.ncjweb.com/sprintrules.php
NACC Straight Key/Bug Sprint (CW) *** QRP Contest ***
EST: Feb 14, 8:30 PM to 10:30 PM
UTC: Feb 15, 0130Z to 0330Z
Rules: http://www.arm-tek.net/~yoel/contests.html
ARRL International DX Contest (CW) ... QRP Category
Feb 18, 0000z to Feb 19, 2400z
Rules: http://www.arrl.org/contests/calendar.html?year=2006
Thanks to SM3CER, WA7BNM, N0AX(ARRL) and others for assistance in compiling this calendar.
Please foreward the contest info you sponsor to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
we will post it and give it more publicity.
Anyone may use this "N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar" for your website,
newsletter, e-mail list or other media as you choose. (Include a credit to the source of this material of course.)
72 de


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