Ron, thanks for the thoughtful reply. I bet that describing the bowl in
NECeese will be harder than talking someone up two trees 50' or so. I'd love
a Loop Skywire again, but it might be harder to talk Carl up FOUR trees.

If the models don't make bowl specification easy, or even possible, then a
doublet as high as I can manage will have to do.

It sure would be sweet if that bowl/knife-edge combined to make the low loop
not just a cloud-warmer. I wonder how many other culniary terms I could have
gotten into that sentence if I'd really tried?

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

You might actually have another effect at play at your QTH that may gain you
some unexpected results: knife-edge effect.

So it is, at best, as guess based on assumptions. (Did I really say that?)

Yes, you did say that, Ron. Join me as I assume the site survey can be input
as easily as into Chief Architect (yeah, right).

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