I keep getting an error message. I did load the extra Window  file,
but it still doesn’t work.  I really like this little Palm 105 I
bought off eBay. I’ve installed about four loggers in it to date and
only have trouble with the K2 Logger Conduit. More to come.

Hi Ed ( and group)

Ok, first uninstall the Conduit using the -r  as in the directions.
See below;

Make sure under "your name"(palm's user name) in the Palm dir a folder is called K2logger... if so delete same.

Ok, run the install prgm again... you should get a messg saying conduit install ok or similar.

The folder, K2Logger, in the "your name" will be created during the sync.
**You MUST set the PALM desktop Prgm , UNDER Hotsync settings / Custom, for the K2logger that handheld palm OVERWRITES computer

Files should tranfer ok... remember that the new will overwrite the older files , so rename them if needed on the desktop computer.

all best
Tom aa2vk
Installation instructions:

1.      Unzip the file in a temporary directory.

2.      Copy the K2LoggerCond.dll file to your Palm directory (typically
        C:\Program Files\Palm).

3.      Run ConduitInstall from a command prompt. This will register the
        conduit. The conduit is used to transfer the log during HotSync.
        If you get an error when running ConduitInstall you will need to
        download a copy of condmgr.dll from my website. Most of the time
        your Palm Desktop installation will already have installed this
        library. If you download the library from my website, unzip it
        into the temporary directory containing ConduitInstall.exe and
        try running it again.

4.      Install the K2Logger.prc file on your Palm using the Palm Desktop
        and HotSync.

UnInstall instructions:

1.      Delete the K2LoggerCond.dll file from your Palm directory.

2.      Run ConduitInstall -r to unregister the conduit.

3.      Delete the K2Logger program on your Palm.

New features in version 2.0

        Faster! This version is written in C++ and runs much faster than
the 1.x versions.

Log is automatically copied to PC during HotSync. Your log will be
written to two different files. One is a tab delimited text file and
the other is an ADIF compatible text file. Most desktop logging
programs can import the ADIF file format. The files are located in
your directory under the Palm installation.
For example, my log files are in C:\Program Files\Palm\CainP\K2Logger.

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