I just had to try the HW-101 on the net tonight.

REALLY REALLY REALLY love my K2 now. The front end of the Hot Water-101 is
about 5 KCPS wide, and you didn't wiggle the needle at all. There were
three, very clear QSO's in the passband, and you weren't one of them<g>. I
got a few sentences from over's with others, but you always fell into the
mud right about when you called QNI?

Anyhow, I heard you say DAN serveral times, and that I was QNI, so I guess I
made it. I didn't get you the serial number, tho. Maybe on 40. Anyhow, your
pitch was drifting down a bit after my longer transmission, so I guess I was
drifting up - You are, of course - look at your name, Kevin - rock solid. I
tweaked it up a bit before my 73 dit dit, but I don't know if you heard that
at all.

It's hard to believe I "learned" CW on a front-end like that. Strange that I
can copy S-0 sigs with several others at S-5 nearby. "A mind is a terrible
thing." Well, copy is too generous. Occasionally make out words, yeah,
that's the ticket; like your call, my call, DAN, and TOO LITE RIGHT NOW.

Funny, I had exactly ONE qso on the thing before modifying it. The sidetone
would blow your socks off. About the time I answered a CQ, I heard thunder.
So, I gave a quick RST, OP, QTH, thunderstorm's a coming, 73 and QRT'd.

Then I grabbed my scope. The sidetone was injecting 1.2 Volts into the INPUT
of the Audio amplifier. I pulled a 1M resistor and replaced it with a 10M.
Now, it doesn't hurt to push down the key. Now, if I could just figure out
what a "phase shift network" is, and how to get it lower in frequency by
about 400Hz, so I can QSO at a reasonable CW note. The HW-101 is designed
for a 1KCPS note, and mine is offset somehow, so at zero beat, the received
note is about 130Hz higher than the sidetone.  It's quickly uncomfortable at
that high a pitch. I'll try at 0200Z anyhow.

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456 - HW101 # shhh! (It's a secret until 0200)

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