Hi folks:

About 18 months (or so) ago, I undertook to create (relatively) high-res scans of all the Elecraft kit PC boards I could get my hands on. Basically, that included PC boards for the K1 and all (at that time) options, K2 and all options. Since that time I've added scans of the KPA100, BL1 (balun) DL1 (dummyload), and XG1 (7040 kHz signal source). I'm still missing a few, which I hope to be able to obtain soon(er or later)...

Eric was going to post the scans to his web site a while back, but Elecraft is already well over their download quota and also running short of server space as well, so his good intentions had to wait a while.

Since I recently moved my site to a new provider (http://1and1.com) I now have ample server space for both my regular Ham-Related/Elecraft-Related files AND the PC board scans. So here they are...

The Elecraft PC Board Scans web page can be directly accessed via:


and you can also get to them from the Quik-Links on my main web page at:


All scans are presented at FULL SIZE and at 300 DPI color.

I have separated each set of scans based upon the specific PC board, and its revision number. If you wish to download scans for those PC boards you have, BE SURE the check to see which PC board revision letter you actually have.

I hope many will find these scans to be of use. I've found them to be invaluable when trying to trace a pesky PC board land which moves from top to bottom and then back again over the course of its travel around some of the Elecraft boards.

As I have noted on the SCANS web page, if you find that a scan for a PC board is missing AND if you happen to have that PC board in UNASSEMBLED condition AND have access to a scanner, please drop me a note offering to make a set of scans for me to add to the web site. But be sure to ask first. No reason to duplicate effort if I already have an un-posted set of images waiting to be uploaded to the web site.



Tom Hammond    N0SS

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