Still debating about buying a K1, K2, K2/100 or KX1?  For a firsthand look
at them, come join W0EB (Jim), WG5F (Ed), KL7Y (Sam) and N3ARU (Dwight), at
the Enid, Oklahoma hamfest this coming Saturday, November 05, 2005.  Ed,
Sam, Dwight and I will be manning a table resplendant with the Elecraft
banner and showing off the K1 (Ed WG5F), K2/100 (Sam) , Unbuilt K2 kit
(Dwight) and there will be a live K2/QRP and KX1 (W0EB) on the air for you
to get some hands on experience should you desire.  If you can't make it,
look for W0EB/5 around the QRP watering holes and give us a call.  

Live demonstrations always cause a crowd to gather, so I'll be running the
KX1 on 40 and 30 meters and the K2 will either be on 40 meter CW until about
mid-morning and then either on 7253.5 (the Kadiddlehopper and Central States
Traffic net frequency) or cruising 20 meter SSB frequencies, trolling for

If nothing else, come and bug Dwight about getting his K2 constructed.  He
claims he's waiting for the snow to fly and making a winter project out of
it.  It certainly isn't his lack of construction ability, as I've seen some
of the real nice scratch built things he's made.

For those of you living within reasonable driving distance of Enid, this
medium-sized annual hamfest is one of the best in the area.  See for more details.

Hoping to see some of you there.   The doors open at 08:00 CST Saturday.


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