I caught a couple of questions regarding leaving the
power on, on a K2.

#0771 has been powered on, almost continuously, for
about 5 years, and had plenty of on-time before that. 
It is run from a bank of three paralleled 100 amp-hour
AGM batteries, floated on a Samlex SEC-1223 (that's a
trickle charger for a 300Ah deck!).  Most of that
time, it's been on 40CW with FL2 on; mine's at 1.10
kHz width, 610 Hz center.

The radio, and other '12V' shack accessories such as
lighting, simply do not go off.

The desk light filaments will fail before my K2 is
likely to, and, in all this time I've not had so much
as a suggestion of trouble.  

If I was having the problem of mystery filter mode
changes, I'd suspect the switch itself.  The contacts
might be 'bent' together and just a temperature
gradient might couase them to 'bump' and activate the
debounce routine in the PIC.  It is easy enough to
test this idea (for me, anyway) ... just unsolder the
switch and leave the power on for a while.  

If the filter mode changes without the switch in
place, then look elsewhere (such as an inadvertant
low-impedance path from that line to something else). 
Otherwise, simply put a new switch in (you've already
removed the old one).

Steve KZ1X/4

PS:  saw Eric, Lerma, and others at the Elecraft booth
in Orlando.  They were right around the corner from
Icom, across from TenTec, and on the opposite side
from Flex Radio.  Just steps between my favorite toys!

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