(Maybe I'm the only lawyer who has tried to build a K2).

Your lawyer comment makes me think of a funny story from the 1990's. Yes,
lawyers _ARE_ different.

We sell software, and there is a license agreement. It's about 3,000 words,
and contains the phrase "on your own data" (among the other 2,996 words).

One customer, who was a service bureau (operates on other people's data) had
a problem with that phrase. Their lawyer sent a suggested addendum to our
license containing about 2,000 words listing and defining the owners of the
data on which our product could be used under that license.

I studied the document at length, and it appeared to express things fairly,
but something just didn't sit right. So, I called her on the phone and
suggested we strike the four offensive words and run the license agreement
without her additions. She said, "That's exactly what we want. I just never
thought of that!"

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

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