Tom wrote:
  The XG1 is not variable in its output, so would the voltages be more or
less in the same proportion to those in the manuals which started with a
signal of 0.14 Vrms? (I'll be honest I didn't check the XG1 to see what the
Vrms output is on it.)

        Tom in a lot of cases, the answer would be yes, but you must take into
consideration other contributing factors that may distort the result. For
instance AGC applied to a reciever stage would reduce the gain of that
        I have found a great thing to do is to using the equipment you have at
hand, ie the XG1, make you own measurements at the points suggested and
record them. Walk through the whole procedure doing this. Now you have a
baseline for your rig using a specific array of test equipment. Once you
have done this, then as you re-align, fix, repair you always will have a
reference point utilizing your equipment. You will know whether the
performance has been enhanced or degraded.
        A lot of time we will spin our wheels trying to get some reading in a
published procedure that is given to us only as a guideline. You are on the
right track. Get familiar with your equipment and keep a log of what you
find. You will be rewarded for your efforts. Good Show OM!

73 and Have Fun.
K2 #4028

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