More info:

The evil mode is not cleared by cycling power, restoring a configuration, or
reloading firmware. So I still don't know what causes or relieves the
problem. I also observed the problem on V1.96.

Sometimes, but not always, the CW speed will change when the tone goes to
zero. The speed will go to either 8 WPM or 0 WPM.

When it's in evil mode, all I have to do to zero my tone is start the K3
utility and type "KY @;". I then restore tone and keyer speed with the front
panel controls and all operates normally until the next time I send "KY @;".
Eventually a miracle occurs and I can send "KY @;" as much as I want until
the next time the demons possess it.

I am logging all everything I send over RS232 but so far nothing looks odd.
I'll keep looking.

Any other ideas for things to clear/reset, things to watch for, etc.,
appreciated. Thanks!

73, Carl
K3 #486

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