
Go for it, you are on the right path.  Just that resistor between pins 1 and
6 of the mic jack stand in your way.  Count the pins carefully and all will
be well.


> -----Original Message-----

> Hello Everybody.
> I'm sure I've read this right, but before I seal it
> back up again, I want to make sure I haven't
> misinterpretted the instructions.  I must be tired
> because it sounds straight-forward but something keeps
> making me re-read it.
> I have an Elecraft MD2 microphone.  So the
> instructions have stated to install the jumpers first,
> then the 5.6K resistor from pin 1 to pin 6.
> I have the 8 jumpers all wired straight across.
> All I need is to add the 5.6k between the AF and 5V?
> This seems to make more sense now that I type it, but
> please somebody help me with a yeah or nay!

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