
First thing to look at is the power supply - Tap teh DISPLAY button and
attempt to transmit at full power - if the voltage sags drastically, check
the power supply, the connecting cable and the terminations for good
connections, adequate cable size (16 gauge or larger).

If the voltage stays adequately high when transmitting, what is the current

Are you transmitting into a proper dummy load?  The K2 will only produce
full power output into a 50 ohm load.

If all the above is OK, then look carefully at T1, T2 and T4 - are they
wound with the correct number of turns and are the turns spacing like that
indicated in the manual diagrams?  If all that is OK, are those transformers
connected properly to the board - leads in the correct holes, everything
properly soldered?

Check the Low Pass filter toroids for correct number of turns (count only
the turns passing through the center of the core), chack the soldering of
the toroid leads.

If all the above passes muster, it is time to make some RF Voltage
measurements to determine where the power is being limited.  Build the RF
Probe that is supplied with the K2 if you don't have one already (or use a
'scope to measure the RF Voltage).  If you get to this point and it still
doesn't work, send us another note and we will proceed from there.


> -----Original Message-----
> I started to do the 40meter tx power test & when I set the
> control for 2.0 watts, I get 2 watts out. When I set it for 5
> watts, I get 5 watts but can get any higher no matter if I set
> the control to 10 or higher. I have the same issue on 80 meters.
> I haven't tried it on any other band.
> Bob
> K2# 4998

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