To answer my own question: In context of the auto-spot feature of the K3 I

> I haven't looked yet to see if there's a way to move the receiver 
> without moving the transmitter. Sometimes people answering my CQ's are 
> far, far, off frequency and it's nice to RIT them into the filter 
> bandwidth at least.

It occurred to me today I can just operate split. Set the transmit frequency
into B then I can monkey with A all I want, including using auto-spot to
zero-beat a CQ reply that is off frequency, thus pulling him into the
passband of the filter. So with a button push and a crank of the filter (or
assign the filter setting to one of the programmable buttons) I can zero-in
on an off-frequency caller without losing too much time or concentration.

I suspect it will be even easier when my subreceiver gets here. :-)


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