Hmmm. I can't speculate on the "problem" Jim, but my K2 behaves per the
manual. Simply holding VOX with the MENU set to SSB BAL brings up the SSB
module rev (1.08).

Perhaps the first place to look is to see if your main microcontroller and
I/O controller firmware is current. They should be:

2.04P 1.09


-----Original Message-----

The Owner's Manual (K2) Rev G (May 2007) has
documentation for checking firmware revision numbers. 
My K2 does not respond to them for checking the SSB
adapter's firmware revision: "Set the SSBA menu entry
to BAL, then hold the VOX button."  Nothing happens;
however, I can see a number (1.08) if I follow the documentation, then tap
an adjacent button (such as REV, SPLIT, SPOT, etc), then hold the VOX button
as per the instructions.  Can anyone verify or duplicate this or tell me
what problem my K2 has?  Thanks and 73 to all!  Jim Isbell KB4U

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