<Off Topic>

Hehe.. Well now I wish I had posted the mic for sale here instead of
putting it on eBay!! :)
The auction ends Thursday night and it's already bid up to $710.00 (I
paid $650 for it new about a year ago - hehe - I love eBay). The mic is
a Neumann TLM-103 large diaphragm condenser. I used it primarily to
record acoustic guitar and for some vocals. 

Wayne, you can definitely do better than the SM-57 for acoustic guitar
recording. The 57 is a fine mic and can be used for just about
anything, but they are more suited to high sound pressure level
applications, like mic-ing amps and drums. You'd probably get much
better sounding acoustic recordings (and vocals) by using a large
diaphragm condenser. I've found when I record my Taylor acoustic, that
I get the best sound by recording  2 simultaneous tracks. One is mic'ed
with the Neumann and the other is direct in from the guitar's
electronics. I'll then pan those two tracks L/R and add different EQ to
each one. It results in a very nice, rich acoustic sound. Here's an
example. The acoustic was recorded this way. I used a v-amp for the
lead guitar and bass. The drums were done in Reason. A friend of mine
did the vocals.


<On Topic>

I'll be ordering the K2 on Friday (if the winning bidder paypals me the

-David Fleming W4SMT

> -------- Original Message --------

Hi David,

Welcome to the list.

Would that mic you're selling be useful for acoustic guitar and vocals? 
I've been recording with an SM-57 for years, and I get the feeling I 
could do better.

As the principle designer of the K2, I could pull some strings to offer 
you a discount on an option for the rig in exchange for a really good 
price on the mic  :)

Have fun with the rig!


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