I must disagree. These bands are the major bands for ARES/RACES emergency services. When I talk with South San Francisco Bay Area ARES/RACES leaders, they have no interest in HF or any other kind of long distance communication. Their interest is in connecting Red Cross shelters, hospitals, 911 centers and neighborhood emergency centers for emergency coordination. 2M/440 are the bread and butter bands for this kind of communications.

While I personally think that long distance communication has an important place in emergency preparedness, I don't seem to get much headway when speaking to ARES/RACES leaders in my community.

I also use 2M quite a lot for communication with ham friends while rag chewing on local repeaters, car-to-car communication when caravaning, and wilderness trail communication.

I always try to remember that ham radio is a huge tent and there are many, many places to have fun.

Cheers - Bill, AE6JV/1

On 8/19/13 at 12:23 PM, k...@icloud.com (Reginald J Mackey SR) wrote:

2m/440 is a vast waste land......

Bill Frantz        |Security, like correctness, is| Periwinkle
(408)356-8506 |not an add-on feature. - Attr-| 16345 Englewood Ave www.pwpconsult.com |ibuted to Andrew Tanenbaum | Los Gatos, CA 95032

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