Despite what must be hectic times at Elecraft with the development of
the K3, support for their existing line is still going strong.

Around labor day, I ordered probably 10 kits from Elecraft.  Many were
mini-modules but there were a few kits for my newly built K2 #6233.
When the kits arrived, I did a quick check against the invoice to make
sure I had all my kits but hadn't done an in depth inventory of all
the parts in each kit.  I do this level of inventory as I build each
kit.  Happy that I had all kits, I left them in the shipping container
and put the box under my desk.

Over the past few weeks since receiving the shipment, I reached into
the box and pulled out a kit and proceeded to build them one at a
time.  One of the kits I ordered was the KAT2.  This Wednesday
morning, I reached into the box to find it, the KAT2, was my last kit.
 As I unpacked all the parts from the KAT2 into a shallow Tupperware
container, I quickly noticed a problem.  "Where the heck are my
relays?" I said to myself.  Frantically, I searched the shipping
container.. it was clear there were no relays to be found.

At 11:35AM (EST), I sent an email off to Lisa, cc'ing the parts
department, explaining my problem.  At this time, I hadn't asked her
to make it right or anything.  I just told her the relays were no
where to be found and closed the email with a humble "Please advise.".
 At 12:59 PM (EST), I have a reply from Lisa saying "Our apologies for
the missing relays. I have forwarded your email to our parts
department who will get them out to you right away.".  I said to
myself, that'll be fine, and expected to receive them the middle of
next week.

However, today, two days later, I walk out to the mailbox to find a
Priority Mail envelope from Aptos, CA with all 18 of my missing relays
inside.  So here it is, now 12:55pm, less than 48 hours (by 4 minutes)
from the time Lisa said the parts will be on the way and I have my

I am very happy and the slobbering iron is warming up as I finish this
email.  Tomorrow, FedEx is brining me an XV50 and K60XV so I will have
a nice weekend full of slobbering.

JT Croteau, N1ESE - Manchester, NH (FN42gx)
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