We've just added two new books to the Elecraft Radio Book page at:

Up Two, Adventures of a DXpeditioner   by Roger Western, G3SXW

Are you a DX'er? Have you longed to be on the other side of the pile-ups? Do you dream of taking a rig to exotic locations? Do thoughts of mountains, oceans, and deserts send shivers down your spine? If your answer to any of the above questions is yes, you are in for a rare treat. A new book, "Up Two - the Adventures of a DXpeditioner" by renowned DX'er Roger Western, G3SXW, is certain to bring you the vicarious thrills of operating from exotic places. Roger's DX'ing endeavors go far more afield than the relatively sanitized isles of the standard winter tourist circuit, bringing us operations from places as diverse as Afghanistan and Tristan da Cuhna.

Ham Radio for Dummies  -- by Ward Silver, N0AX

This is anything but a book for Dummies :-) Ward covers Ham Radio from A to Z. Its an excellent introduction for aspiring and new hams alike. (Or even your spouse!)


73, Eric  WA6HHQ

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