For some time we have been looking for a quality desktop CW paddle to complement the K1, K2 and KX1. Bob Locher at Bencher has worked with us to create a special edition of his new HexKey paddle for us with a unique Elecraft serial sequence stamped into its base, starting with s/n 001. This paddle derives its mechanism from the famous mercury paddle that Bencher also manufactures. It has a heavy hexagonal black base with a chrome magnetically tensioned mechanism with gold contacts. From the first time I tried it I was hooked :-)


I've added it to our order form and we have them in stock. Bencher lists the regular HexKey for $195. We are offering the Elecraft special edition for $179.95.

We will also have them with us at Pacificon this weekend.

I'll upload a full web page describing it in more detail next week after we return from Pacificon.

73, Eric

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