A poll is being conducted at the Condorcet Internet Voting Service, in
which the alternatives are political party platforms.

Condorcet Internet Voting Service (CIVS) is operated by a professor at
Cornell University.

CIVS offers a selection of Condorcet rank-counts. One of them is
Condorcet-IRV (Benham). This poll will be counted by Condorcet-IRV, due to
its strategy-freeness for mutual majorities.

The poll is currently in its nominatons phase. Nominations will received
till sometime late Sunday night (Eastern Daylight Savings Time). After that
time, the poll will be set to receive votes.

Currently there are 4 initially-nominated party platforms (in alphabetcal


A  the website linked to below, anyone can nominate any other party
platform. As I said, nomination will be received till some time late Sunday
night (the night of March 30), and, immediately then the poll will be set
to receive votes.

Here is a link to the poll:

Election-Methods mailing list - see http://electorama.com/em for list info

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