Fred Gohlke wrote:
> No more than your Votorola project deserves... I'm not a member of
> any other Direct Democracy sites, but if you know of any and would
> like to post a link to that message, it would suit me fine.  Or, if
> you think that too self-serving, give me the name of the site and
> I'll try to make the post, myself.

A student in Kenya was recently installing the software.  He was going
to run school elections.  I don't know if he's still at it.  But
seeing him struggle with the setup, I realized I had to make some
improvements.  So the next release will be easier for administrators.
I think that's the crucial thing.  If the administrative barriers are
low enough, then the software will be largely self promoting.  (There
aren't many options for running an independent electoral system in
your own home town.  Votorola may be the first do-it-yourself kit.)

So please keep it in mind, that's all.  If anyone doubts that you
could implement PD, knowing, for one, that the authorities would be
unlikely to approve of it, then remember that Votorola can implement
it.  So you always have the option of getting started with the method,
and gaining practical experience with it.  (If anyone has questions on
how to do that, just ask and I will help.)

Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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