Thanks a lot Gavin for your reply. As I espected there's no support for the 
"scripting" like commands in the plugin.
I installed IRSIM from the official website and I'm trying to simulate .sim 
files + .cmd files. 
I still got error because the fancier commands are in the Tcl/Tk based 
version... But I can not find out how to install it, I couldn't find it in 
the IRSIM docs.
How can I start it? Is there a way, even other than IRSIM, to perform 
simulations the way I need?
I have no experience in this field, but It seems strange to me that I can't 
use a "foor" loop to define input vectors, write the down one-by-one is of 
course painful and error-prone.

On Thursday, February 8, 2018 at 2:52:37 AM UTC+1, Gavin wrote:
> I believe the IRSIM commands supported in the .cmd Stimuli file by 
> Electric's IRSIM plugin are:
> *|* a comment in the command file
> *!* command to print gate info
> *?* command to print source/drain info
> *activity*
> *alias*
> *ana*
> *assert* command to test signal value
> *assertWhen*
> *back*
> *c* command to run a clock cycle
> *changes*
> *clock* command to declare stimuli
> *debug*
> *decay*
> *h* command to set signal high
> *inputs*
> *l* command to sent signal low
> *model*
> *p*
> *path*
> *print*
> *printx*
> *R*
> *report*
> *s *command to advance time
> *set* command to change vector  values
> *stats*
> *stepsize* command to set time advance
> *stop*
> *t *command to trace
> *tcap*
> *u*
> *unitdelay*
> *until*
> *V*
> *vector* command to group signals
> *x* command to set signal undefined
> Those are what I see in the IRSIM source code of for 
> Electric 9.07:
> On 2/7/2018 8:21 AM, Andrea Bettati wrote:
> Hi to you all,
> I need to simulate arithmetic circuits for a project, therefore I need a 
> fast way to iterate different inputs in a "for-loop" fashion.
> Looking at IRSIM docs 
> <> I 
> found this command
> for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {setvector in 0d$i ; s}
> Which should be perfect.
> The problem is, running this shor .cmd file for a 2 inputs AND gate:
> | Simulate AND2
>> | Set stepsize (default is 10ns)
>> stepsize 50
>> | Nodes to be watched
>> w A B AandB
>> | Nodes to be displayed (d = all)
>> d
>> ana in
>> | Group nodes together
>> vector in A B
>> | Force initial value to logic 0
>> 1 A B
>> | Simulate for in 00 -> 01 -> 10 -> 11 
> for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {set in 0d$i ; s}
> All I got is this message prompt by th error window
> *IRSIM, version 9.5j*
>> Loading netlist for AND2{lay}...
>> Warning: contact Metal-1-P-Active-Con['contact@2'] has more than 2 
>> connections, RC estimation may be wrong
>> Warning: Aliasing nodes 'gnd' and 'Gnd'
>> Warning: Aliasing nodes 'vdd' and 'Vdd'
>> 7 nodes, 3 n-channel transistors, 3 p-channel transistors
>> =================================3=================================
>> Reading /home/~/IRSIMsim/and2.cmd
> Unknown command: w
>> Unknown command: d
>> Unknown command: 1
>> Unknown command: for
> IRSIM is at v.9.5j and I downloaded the latest Static Free Software extras 
> <>
> What are the commands supported by the IRSIM "Electric VLSI edition"?
> Thanks in advance

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