Regarding SA22920 (ELinks "smb" Protocol File Upload/Download
Vulnerability).  You list three "solutions": Don't visit
untrusted web sites; Implement restrictive firewall rules
for SMB traffic; Uninstall the smbclient program from systems
where it is not needed.

I would like to note that it is also possible to disable
SMB support from ELinks at compile time, by configuring it
with the --disable-smb option or by changing CONFIG_SMB=yes
to CONFIG_SMB=no in the features.conf file.  Then, AFAICT,
the resulting elinks executable will not use smbclient
(src/protocol/smb/smb.c is not compiled).

To check whether SMB support was enabled in a given executable,
one can choose Help->About and look for "SMB" in the features
list; or choose Setup->Options manager, expand the Protocols
folder, and see if SMB is listed there.  These work in 0.11.1
and 0.12.GIT at least; I don't know about older versions.

(I have not personally confirmed this SMB vulnerability but
it could be true.)

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