Hi group.
When working on sorting some data I realized that after sorting the
enumerable, I had to map and iterate again to do a data transformation
of the elements.

So I look for a function that would already do this and I cannot find
it. So by looking at the source code 
I see that it is already mapping after the sorting, in order to
return the original values.
So we are unnecessarily  mapping once.

What I propose is introduce  Enum.sort_by_transform/4 which takes a
transformer function and applies it to each element in the last map

>    sort_by_transform(enumerable, mapper, transformer, sorter)
>     Sorts the mapped results of the `enumerable` according to
>    the provided `sorter` function and later each element is tranformed
>    by applying the `transformer` function. >>

After I'm done with the implementation I see in the documentation I
found that a new section has been added to the docs, (due to the
introduction of `List.keysort/3` in the development version of Elixir.

Coincidentally, the more performant solution that I proposes here does
exactly what the implementation of Enum.sort_by_transform/4 does.

So the example in the guide could be simplified as (after removing
the filtering of the id of the products, to make the example easier to

    Enum.sort_by_transform(products, & &1.price, & &1.name)

Additionally (and optionally) I introduce Enum.map_sort_by/3 which
solves the common case of mapping and sorting in one go.
For example to sort the products alphabetically:

    Enum.map_sort_by(products, & &1.name)

You can see the full implementation here:

Please, let me know what you all think.

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