Hi Charles,
thank you for your proposal.

I think it could be an interesting addition. But rather than just a
convenience function, make it behave more like its IO
conterpart: IO.read/2

Where you can pass the byte length, or :line.
Because sometimes is not about the bytes, but about the information
held in a certain number of lines in the file.

I'm thinking something like 

File.read(file_path, :line, 1)

# or to read the first five lines
File.read(file_path, :line, 1..5)

I would like to know how the rest of the list feels about it.

On Mon, 9 May 2016 10:36:15 -0700 (PDT)
Charles Okwuagwu <okwuagwu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Can we have this convenience as a function in the File module?
> read(file, start, length)
> http://stackoverflow.com/q/37121605/44080
> The suggested solution is not immideiately obvious 
> {:ok, file} = :file.open(source_file, [:read, :binary]) 
> :file.position(file, 5) # start_position = 5
> :file.read(file, 10) # bytes to read = 10

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