Hello, you might be looking for "extensible records", check this out 

import Html exposing (Html, div, ul, li, text)

type alias Person a =
    { a | name : String
    , address : String

type alias Employee a =
    { a | department : String }

type alias Customer a =
    { a | itemsPurchased : Int }

changeName : String -> Person a -> Person a
changeName newName person =
    { person | name = newName }

changeDepartment : String -> Employee a -> Employee a
changeDepartment newDepartment employee =
   { employee | department = newDepartment }

changeItemsPurchased : Int -> Customer a -> Customer a
changeItemsPurchased newItemsPurchased customer =
    { customer | itemsPurchased = newItemsPurchased }

main =
        person = { name="person name", address="person address"}
        employee = { name="employee name", address="employee address", 
department = "employee department" }
        customer = { name="customer name", address="customer address", 
itemsPurchased = 42 }
    div [] 
        [ ul []
            [ renderIt person
            , renderIt employee
            , renderIt customer
            , renderIt (changeName "name changed" person)
            , renderIt (changeName "name changed" employee)
            , renderIt (changeName "name changed" customer)
            -- , renderIt (changchangeDepartmenteName "department changed" 
            , renderIt (changeDepartment "department changed" employee)
            -- , renderIt (changeDepartment "department changed" customer)

            -- , renderIt (changeItemsPurchased 55 person)
            -- , renderIt (changeItemsPurchased 55 employee)
            , renderIt (changeItemsPurchased 55 customer)

renderIt : a -> Html b
renderIt r =
    li [] [text (toString r)]

On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 7:06:32 AM UTC+8, Leonardo Sá wrote:
> Short question:
> What is the best way to create relationships between my types so it is 
> easy to access data present in both types?
> Long question:
> Suppose I have the following types:
> type alias Person =
>   { name : String
>   , address : String
>   , personType : PersonType 
>   }
> type alias Employee =
>   { department : String }
> type alias Customer =
>   { itemsPurchased : Int }
> type PersonType = EmployeeType Employee | CustomerType Customer
> Then I think it's not straight forward to write a function that retrieves 
> me the department and name for an employee:
> nameAndDepartment : Person -> (String, String)
> It seems to me this function would be a Maybe (String, String) and return 
> Nothing if the Person is not an Employee. But in that case, I am relying on 
> the runtime to type check things for me, which tells me there is probably a 
> better way to structure this.

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