
I have a question about Html.Lazy.

Now I'm optimizing rendering using Html.Lazy but I feel it is difficult to 
use. I found the arguments are not often *referentially* equal and the view 
functions are unfortunately called. There are some problems around this.

1. Sometimes new values are created every time.

view model = lazy someView { data = model.data }

2. Views do not know how arguments are passed.

view model = lazy grandchildView model

3. It is not easy to know if optimization succeeds or not.

view model = Debug.log "Unfortunately called!" <| text (toString model)

I made a demo to describe this problem.

Source: https://github.com/jinjor/elm-issues/blob/master/src/HtmlLazy.elm
Demo: https://jinjor.github.io/elm-issues/html-lazy.html
(9 example views, but 4 ~ 9 are not optimized unfortunately)

So my question is:

   - Is it a bad idea to compare by *normal *equal? 
   - Have anyone already solved this problem?


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